Principal's Message
Witam! Jak się masc?
Do you know where this week’s greeting is from? If you guessed Poland, then you’re right. PBS has two families with Polish heritage. Poland is definitely on my list to travel to one day.
On the weekend I was doing some reading on ‘Attachment Theory’ in children. I know what you’re thinking, and yes, I do usually try to give myself a weekend, but I’m undertaking some extra study at the moment. As part of this study I stumbled across this parenting website and thought I’d share it with you as it offered some great tips and simple reminders. The screenshot below highlights just three of the simple suggestions on offer.
On this note, if you ever find a website that you think other PBS parents/whanau could benefit from then please do not hesitate to email me with the link. After all we are all in this together and it takes a village to raise a child! Have a great week everyone.
Sharing good news spreads positivity, changes attitudes and ultimately leads to more people feeling encouraged and happy
Did you know that over the weekend PBS featured in TV and film! You may have caught our spot on TV1’s Good Sorts section at the end of the Sunday night news. This featured a story on Alice Graham bringing the joy of fostering rescue puppies, from Ellie’s Canine Rescue(ECR), into the school.
Seven PBS staff now foster puppies and a further three staff members have adopted puppies from ECR as a result. We also have school families who have ended up giving forever homes to some of these gorgeous babies.
To be clear, puppies do not wander around classrooms all day distracting learning. Most of the time they are asleep and the kids know not to wake them. Knowing you need to have a calm and quiet environment for sleeping puppies is a great classroom management strategy. I know I’ve visited a class where on entry kids have said “shhh, the puppies are sleeping”.
Caring for the puppies, when they are awake, reinforces responsibility, reliability, kindness and compassion. Understanding that these puppies have been rescued from neglect and other circumstances also helps develop empathy.
As a result of this fostering, signs at the school entrances will be changed from ‘dog-free school’ to ‘authorised dogs only’. If you have any queries on this front don’t hesitate to contact me.
For the first time in PBS history we have entered the 48 Hour Film competition! Thanks to David Parr and Caty Spencer, a group of our senior students registered and prepared for this. Over the weekend the group had to select a genre from a list published on Friday night; they chose “Multiverse”. Then they had to write, plan, direct, act, edit, produce and submit their work before the end of the weekend. The photo below is from the night shoot they held at school on Saturday. We can’t wait to hear how their submission goes in the heat round. Good luck everyone!
Jess Ward
Tumuaki ~ Principal
Welcome to Our Recent New Students
Romie – Rm 19
School Board Elections - Final Reminder
Kia ora PBS whānau
Just a final reminder that nominations for the PBS Board elections (for both parent and staff representatives) close at midday, Friday 19th August 2022. I encourage you to consider nominating yourself, or someone else, to join the Board at PBS.
Board members have a rewarding role in contributing to the governance of the school and work with the Principal and staff to help continue to make PBS a terrific place to be for all students, staff and our broader community.
Still have questions about what the role of a school Board member involves? There is useful information at and
I am also very happy to have a conversation with you to talk about what being on the PBS Board might involve. You can contact me either at or by leaving your name and number with the office staff to pass on. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch!
Ngā mihi
Board Chair
Mask Wearing
At the end of this week we will review our current mask wearing stance and inform you of our decision via email.
Family Donations - Thank you!
Thank you to those families who have been able to pay their Family Donations this year. We are so grateful for your contribution.
We do our best to keep the Family Donations low, so they are achievable for families to contribute. Our donations are set lower than most other schools of our size and decile.
PBS Family Donations for 2022 are $100 per family or $65 for a single child
For many families this is not a lot of money, and we really appreciate every cent. Every parent donation is put towards buying educational resources for our students eg new reading books, maths equipment and sports gear.
You are able to pay each term, in one lump sum, or structure any donation to meet your needs. Payment can be made through KINDO.
Thank you in advance for helping PBS provide the educational resources our kids need.
Claim Your School Donation Tax Rebates in myKindo This Year
When you make your school donations to Paraparaumu Beach School in myKindo for 2022, you’ll see the option to opt-in to Supergenerous when you pay.
Kindo and Supergenerous work together to lodge your donation rebate claim with the IRD. They do all the hard work for you and give you the option to re-gift your 33% tax rebate to our school as a new donation. It’s an awesome way to make your donation go further.
Using Māori Language at Home
It’s important for all Kiwi to learn te reo. Each week our newsletter will include phrases that you might like to try out at your place. After all, it will take the whole nation to keep this unique language alive.
Kīwaha are colloquial sayings and they are great phrases to drop into your everyday conversation even if you are speaking English.
Marama keke = Piece of cake, easy as!
You can do it! Marama keke
Kaua e mahi pena = Don’t do that
Kaua e mahi pena. You might hurt someone

@School App

Student Work
Check out this Abstract Art by the talented senior students of Room 14. We enjoyed the random nature of the images created.
The images below were created by Isabelle, Fletcher, Kimberly, Whai, Emma and Harrison.

Kid's Quote
A staff member quote today…
Three boys all came into the medical room at the same time. All three boys were named Max. The staff member on duty called out “I’m all MAXed out.” 🙂

From the Student Council - Wellington Free Ambulance Onesie Appeal

NZ Maths Week

Yummy Stickers
Please collect your Yummy stickers and send them to your child’s class or to Ginny Hawke in Rm2. The more stickers we collect the more sports gear we can purchase! This runs all through Term 3.
Raffle Reminder
Please return any sold raffle tickets to the box in the office. Alternatively, if you need some more please email
PTA Committee
Hot Diggity Dog! Te Motu Camp 2023 Fundraiser
Your support on this would be so appreciated!
American-style hotdogs $4 each. Place your orders for Friday, 26 August. Payment via Kindo or watch out for order forms coming home this week. Orders close Wednesday, 24 August.

Recent Student Achievements
Chess: Congratulations to Devin Direen who won third place in the primary division at Kapiti Junior Chess Championship last Saturday. It was Devin’s first time competing outside the club and the participants came from across the Wellington to Horowhenua region.

Future Student Achievements
If your child has an achievement you would like us to share in our newsletter, then please send details (and a picture if you would like) to
Celebrate Dads this Father's Day!
Whether it’s a Dad, Uncle, Grandad or Poppa in your life, make them feel extra special this Father’s Day with our ezlunch giveaway. Every lunch order gets you a chance to win one of two $50 ‘Not Socks’ vouchers.
Order ezlunch for delivery from Monday, 22 August – Friday, 2 September to be in the draw to WIN! Two vouchers, two winners!
The winners will be drawn on Friday 2 September and notified by email. Go to to start ordering.
Advertise in our Community Directory
Do you have a business and want to support PBS through advertising?
Check out the Community Directory on our website You can advertise your business here for a small contribution. Businesses can list their services, events and opportunities all here for others in our large school community to see and access. This helps us support local businesses, encouraging PBS parents to support your business, and keeps all listings in one easy to find spot. Below are a few screen shots of what you can find. Click on a listing and explore the content!