One PBS group that consistently demonstrates excellence, self-management, and teamwork is our School Patrol Students! Yesterday, they proudly represented our school at the end-of-year Road Safety Team Celebration. This event, organised by the Kapiti-Mana Police and KCDC, acknowledges the important job our patrollers do in helping keep our school community safe when coming to kura.
Tom Johnstone and Kaycee De Wit won awards for being PBS Road Patrollers of the year. This award recognises not only their skills as road patrollers but also their willingness to take on extra duties when others are away and the way they display our CREST values when on patrol. What awesome news!
Furthermore, PBS also won the best banner cup for the road safety message on our banner. This banner was designed and painted by Libby, Olive and Alyssa. Ka rawe!