PBS Hockey 2024

This is the final week of a very successful hockey season for our school teams. Mini Funsticks (Years 1 and 2) ran in Term 2, and Hockey for Years 3-8 has run throughout Terms 2 and 3.

We have seen lots of improvement in our players, and our Year 7/8s have enjoyed a taster of a full hockey field over the last few weeks, with the PBS team proving to be dominant in our 11 aside games against other schools.

We are very grateful to our awesome coaches: Paul Tessier, Clare Pringle, Daniel
Spencer, Jamie Tidy, Michelle Patterson, Mackenzie Shaw and Tanaya Suri. Without them we could not run our hockey programme.

This Friday we will celebrate with our end of season event at the turf, including some great kai for the players, sponsored by generous local businesses Blair’s Auto Electrical and Automotive Supplies Group NZ. Huge thanks to them!