Newsletter 2024/15

“Together we are lifelong CREST learners”

Principal's Message

Kia ora PBS whānau

As the temperature gets a little cooler and the chance of poor weather increases, it’s essential to prioritise everyone’s health. Although it’s not yet officially winter, we have already started to see an increase in the number of students and staff absent due to colds, flu, and other illnesses. Whatever precautions you take in your household to stay on top of winter illness, I ask that you act early and stay vigilant.

Our staff really appreciate the efforts of our parents in keeping sick children at home to recover. Your vigilance helps us maintain the health of our staff and continue offering uninterrupted classes. Whilst I hate to split classes, sometimes I have to resort to this due to the scarcity of relief teachers. Cover for school staff who are off sick will remain a challenge if sick students keep attending school. Keeping sick kids home in bed, enables those at school to maintain more learning consistency. 

In addition, just as we require students to wear sunhats in Terms 1 and 4 for health reasons, we ask that in Terms 2 and 3 kids wear footwear outdoors to keep winter ills at bay. Perhaps they might like to bring a pair of slippers to school on some of the colder days; I might tuck a pair under my desk too!

Thank you for your ongoing support and cooperation in keeping our kura community healthy and thriving.

Please keep reading as today’s newsletter contains information about:

  • CREST week was awesome!
  • Learning Conferences – Wednesday, 3 July – school closed for instruction
  • Matariki – save the date and BUY A PBS MATARIKI T-SHIRT!
  • Parenting Tips and Strategies Workshop – tomorrow night (register quick)

Wishing you a restful long weekend.

Jess Ward

Principal – Tumuaki

P.S.  Matariki is coming soon – Don’t forget to volunteer a little of your time.  If everyone helps a little it will mean a lot.  


Upcoming dates for your awareness:

  • Long weekend – PBS is closed Friday, 31 May (Teacher Only Day) – Monday, 3 June (King’s Birthday). NB: The teacher only day on Friday, 31 May is for Paraparaumu Beach School, Kenakena School, Waikanae School, Kapakapanui School and Paraparaumu College as we are all undertaking professional learning together.
  • Tuesday, 25 June – Matariki event at PBS (Wednesday, 26 June p/p day)
  • Friday, 28 June – Matariki public holiday country wide
  • Wednesday, 3 July – Learning Conferences – school closed for instruction


Sharing good news spreads positivity, changes attitudes and ultimately leads to more people feeling encouraged and happy

Ngā mihi nui koutou! Thank you for supporting our CREST celebrations last week! We had so much fun planning it and seeing everyone enjoying the different activities. Congratulations to Whero Whānau Group who took out the Chant off! We spotted heaps of students being kind, there were some awesome posters for the design competition, the 3×3 basketball teams faced off on Thursday and little people power was in full force during the Tug of War on Friday! There are a few photos below.

From PBS’ Student Council

Welcome to Our Recent New Students

There were no new students this week

Have You Checked Out Our Community Notices Directory?

Do you need to advertise your business, an upcoming event, need child care,  or looking for a gift or new club to join?  Check out the PBS Community Directory on our website

This May, if you list an opportunity or business on our School community directory it will cost just $5.  It’s super simple to do, takes 10 mins max and will help people get to know your work

  • Opportunity and event listings are $5 and appear on the site for 60 days
    • Or list your business or other offering for a whole year for just $5
    • Or you can support us with a $20 donation
  • You can pay securely by credit card on the site
  • It will also help boost your online “signal” to search engines making your website more findable

Learning Conferences (Parent-Student-Teacher interviews) Wednesday, 3 July

This year our mid-year learning conferences will be held on Wednesday, 3 July (in the last week of the school term). Please note that school will be closed for instruction on this day, however we will offer childcare for families who cannot arrange alternative care on this day. More details on this soon.

Parents will need to book an interview slot and bring their child/children along to school at that time. The booking information will be advertised in next week’s newsletter.

Newsflash! Matariki T-Shirts

Our community now has the opportunity to order Matariki t-shirts, designed by one of our talented Whānau Rōpū members, Ngahuia for just $35. Simply visit KINDO to place your order, and we’ll ensure you receive your t-shirt before Matariki week.

Every Matariki t-shirt sold will help fund new Kapa Haka uniforms for our kura. Don’t miss out – order yours today!

These high-quality, locally printed t-shirts are available in the following sizes:

  • Kids sizes: 2 – 6
  • Youth sizes: 8 – 16
  • Adult sizes: XSM, SML, MED, LRG, XLG, 2XL, 4XL and 5XL

Reduced Speeds Around the School

The Kāpiti Coast District Council are busy installing 30km/h variable speed limits around 13 schools in Kāpiti.  PBS has already got their signs up and going! This means that by law all vehicles will need to follow the 30km speed limit around schools, which makes our roads much safer for our kids and other road users.

The 30km/h speed limits are in place before and after school and during special events; so please watch out for the 30km flashing signs and follow this law accordingly.  Thank you.

Parenting tips & Strategies (Free Workshop)

Our local cluster of schools is offering another free learning opportunity for parents. This time the focus is on strategies for positive parenting.

Come along to find out about:
– How to build strong relationships with your child.
– How to encourage behaviour you want to see more of.
– How to have effective communication between you and your tamariki.

Date: Wednesday, 29 May
Time: 7-9pm
Presenter: Di Coleman & Beatrice Fisher
Facilitator: Sam Edwards
Venue: Paraparaumu College Te Manawa (Staffroom)

Registration Link

Using the @School App

I will regularly highlight a button on the @school app.  This week it is:


This button takes you to a page which enables you to see the personal information that we have on our School management system relating to your child.

If any of the information is incorrect you can ring the school office to correct it.

Using Māori Language at Home

Learning another language provides many benefits including greater academic achievement, greater cognitive development, and more positive attitudes towards other languages and cultures. So, let’s give it a go and help to revitalise this unique language to Aotearoa for our tamariki. Each week our newsletter will include words or phrases that you might like to try out at your kāinga/home.

Here are some essential kupu that you may hear ia ra (everyday)

Tikina – get
Horoia – wash
Katia – close
Whakapaitia – tidy up/pack away
Āwhinatia – help

Tikina tō pōtae – get your hat
Horoia ō ringaringa – wash your hands
Katia te tatau – close the door
Whakapaitia tēnei ruma – tidy this room
Āwhinatia ēnei tamariki – help these children

Kid's Quote

“My mum says Marmite sandwiches are illegal”

(Sounds like mum has a pet hate!)

Important Message re Seesaw

This message is for ALL families, past and present, who have used Seesaw. PBS no longer uses Seesaw for reporting purposes, and our annual subscription is about to expire. This will result in the loss of full functionality of the app. To prevent any information or photographs from being lost, we recommend clicking on this link to learn how to save your child’s work by downloading a .zip archive. You will also find instructions on how to download journals from previous years and how to download message threads.  We will be making the switch to the ‘free’ version on May 31.  Many thanks.

Mid-Week Munchies

Midweek munchies are on this Wednesday outside Room 15 at Morning tea time. Come and get yourself a delicious treat!

Last Day for Ordering School Photos

Class/sibling photos were taken towards the end of last term.  Order envelopes have been sent home to all families.  You can order online using the order code on your envelope. 

The closing date for orders is today (28 May).  Please contact the office if you lose your order code.

Te Ara O Ngā O Whetū O Matariki

Follow The Stars Of Matariki

Together P.B.S. and the Whānau Rōpū are excited to collaborate on creating a special Matariki celebration on Tuesday, June 25th (PPD Wednesday, June 26th). This event will be a chance to connect, reflect and celebrate the Māori New Year with our school community.

It’s a wonderful opportunity to learn about Matariki traditions, share kai and enjoy whanaungatanga.

We’d love your help! If you’d like to be involved in this event, please contact Hillary Houston at or Rae Bolton at

Together we can make this Matariki celebration one to remember!

Delicious Authentic Hāngi for Sale

Student News Section Update

Our “Student News” section is now listed under the “Our People” tab on the home page of our website.  You can click the link here to view:

Recent Student Achievements

Dance & Cheer:  Congratulations to Dakota Bell (Rm 3) who recently returned from Hawaii with a bronze medal! Her cheer team, Glamouress, attended the Global Games competition, which is a dance and cheer international event. Dakota loved the experience!

Future Student Achievements

If your child has an achievement you would like us to share in our newsletter, then please send details (and a picture if you would like) to