Newsletter 2024/14

Principal's Message

Kia ora koutou,

It’s PBS CREST WEEK! This week the Student Councillors are celebrating our school values by running an event of some kind each day. Have a korero with your child if you’d like to know more about CREST. We get to see wonderful examples of our school values in action everyday!

Yesterday CREST week started with the school value of Curiosity and a Trivia Quiz. Today’s focus has been on Respect with the councillors on the lookout for Random Acts of Kindness during break times. We also held our Whānau Group Chant off during assembly. Ka rawe tamariki ma! You were all so good!

Tomorrow’s focus is Excellence and in recognition of this school value a poster design competition has been running for the past week that promotes either our school values or the kaupapa behind Pink Shirt Day. Thursday is all about Self Management with a 3×3 basketball competition running during lunch breaks along with some other activities. And finally on Friday, we’ll be celebrating Teamwork/Mahi Tahi with Tug of War and Pink Shirt Day, because it takes everyone in Team PBS to stand up to bullying and create a culture of kindness.

So remember to DRESS IN PINK THIS FRIDAY and thanks for supporting this kaupapa!

This newsletter is LOADED but it’s so important you take the time to keep reading. Todays’ newsletter contains information about:

  • Advertise your business – Let’s keep it local 🙂
  • Matariki – save the date and BUY A PBS MATARIKI T-SHIRT!
  • PBS’s New Vision Statement
  • Parenting Tips and Strategies Workshop
  • Road safety issues 

At PBS we ‘love to keep it local’! We value local businesses and opportunities, and encourage all our families to do the same.  You can check out some of the businesses advertised on The Community Directory section of our website 

Alternatively, did you know you can list your business this May for just $5!  It’s super simple to do, takes 10 mins max and will help people get to know your work:

  • Opportunity and event listings are $5 and appear on the site for 60 days
    • Or list your business or other offering for a whole year for just $5
    • Or you can support us with a $20 donation
  • You can pay securely by credit card on the site
  • It will also help boost your online “signal” to search engines making your website more findable

Ka kite ano,

Jess Ward
Principal – Tumuaki

Upcoming dates for your awareness:

  • Friday, 24 May – Pink Shirt Day at PBS
  • Long weekend – PBS is closed Friday, 31 May (Teacher Only Day) – Monday, 3 June (King’s Birthday). NB: The Teacher Only Day on Friday, 31 May is for Paraparaumu Beach School, Kenakena School, Waikanae School, Kapakapanui School and Paraparaumu College as we are all undertaking professional learning together
  • Tuesday, 25 June – Matariki event at PBS (Wednesday, 26 June p/p day)
  • Friday, 28 June – Matariki Public holiday country-wide


Sharing good news spreads positivity, changes attitudes and ultimately leads to more people feeling encouraged and happy

Last Tuesday the Student Council attended the National Young Leaders Day (NYLD) in Porirua. There were over 1300 students from schools across the Wellington region and beyond.

NYLD is all about inspiring the leaders of the future. Students get to hear about the life journey of some of New Zealand’s current young leaders, entrepreneurs, artists or individuals who have overcome a significant challenge. They share their experience and lessons that they have learnt along the way. It’s a great opportunity for our tamariki. We even had a couple of our councillors make it up onto the stage!

Welcome to Our Recent New Students

There were no new students this week

Have You Checked Out Our Community Notices Directory?

Do you need to advertise your business, an upcoming event, need child care,  or looking for a gift or new club to join?  Check out the PBS Community Directory on our website

Newsflash! Matariki T-Shirts!

Wow! Check out these incredible Matariki t-shirts, designed by one of our talented Whānau Rōpū members, Ngahuia. Our community now has the opportunity to order this fantastic and unique PBS merchandise for just $35. Simply visit KINDO to place your order, and we’ll ensure you receive your t-shirt before Matariki week.

Every Matariki t-shirt sold will help fund new Kapa Haka uniforms for our kura. Don’t miss out – order yours today!

These high-quality, locally printed t-shirts are available in the following sizes:

  • Kids sizes: 2 – 6
  • Youth sizes: 8 – 16
  • Adult sizes: XSM, SML, MED, LRG, XLG, 2XL, 4XL and 5XL

Te Ara O Ngā O Whetū O Matariki

Follow The Stars Of Matariki

Together P.B.S. and the Whānau Rōpū are excited to collaborate on creating a special Matariki celebration on Tuesday, June 25th (PPD Wednesday, June 26th). This event will be a chance to connect, reflect and celebrate the Māori New Year with our school community.

It’s a wonderful opportunity to learn about Matariki traditions, share kai and enjoy whanaungatanga.

We’d love your help! If you’d like to be involved in this event, please contact Hillary Houston at or Rae Bolton at

Together we can make this Matariki celebration one to remember!

Delicious Authentic Hāngi for Sale

New Vision Statement for PBS

Thank you to all the students, staff and whānau who gave us feedback on options for our new school vision. Having a strong vision statement is needed to inspire us as a community and capture what we strive for.

There were some great ideas and perspectives that the Board worked through, including some awesome suggestions for new ones – one of my favourites from a student was “Learning the things we don’t already know!”

While opinions varied, the majority of people saw the C.R.E.S.T values ( as a crucial component of the vision. In addition, there was a strong desire for buy-in from our whole school community for our kids to succeed.

I’m proud to let you know that the school vision statement we have selected was the one that received the most support from students (almost 100 votes!) and strong support also from staff and whanau:

“Together we are lifelong CREST learners”

The Board is determined to ensure we bring our new school vision to life, so how do we do that? Well it requires support from all of us. Here’s how you can help…

  • Students, we need you to learn what C.R.E.S.T stands for and show these values in your everyday actions. We want to see the school values reflected in your work, your interactions, and in your attitude.
  • Parents and Whānau, we ask that you understand the importance of the C.R.E.S.T values for our school and encourage your kids to live and breathe these through their schooling. On the sidelines at sports or when attending school events, we ask that parents role-model our C.R.E.S.T values too.
  • Staff, we ask for your continued commitment to promoting the C.R.E.S.T values at PBS. We need you to teach the importance of our C.R.E.S.T values and role model these values through your work and interactions. The part you play helps create a positive and cohesive school culture.
  • School Board – the vision will be front and centre for all future meeting agendas, to remind us why we are here and ensure key decisions are working towards achieving that vision. We will also uphold the C.R.E.S.T values in all the we do.

Parenting Tips & Strategies (Free Workshop)

Our local cluster of schools is offering another free learning opportunity for parents. This time the focus is on strategies for positive parenting.

Come along to find out about:
– How to build strong relationships with your child
– How to encourage behaviour you want to see more of
– How to have effective communication between you and your tamariki

Date: Wednesday, 29th May
Time: 7-9pm
Presenter: Di Coleman & Beatrice Fisher
Facilitator: Sam Edwards
Venue: Paraparaumu College Te Manawa (Staffroom)

Registration Link

Road Safety

It is disappointing that we are still having an issue with people dropping off their children on the yellow lines on the east side of Gray Avenue (outside number 68) in front of the pedestrian crossing. The red line in the photo below shows the space in question. By parking here it makes it extremely difficult for the road patroller on that side to see oncoming traffic.

Parking here also breaks the road code and carries fines of up to $120.00 this being made up of the following: $60.00 stopped/parked on broken yellow lines and $60.00 stopped/parked on or within 6 metres of a pedestrian crossing.

Using the @School App

I will regularly highlight a button on the @school app. This week:

This button will take you to your KINDO login page where you are able to pay for school events, order lunches and purchase the school sunhat and sport shirts.

Using Māori Language at Home

Learning another language provides many benefits including greater academic achievement, greater cognitive development, and more positive attitudes towards other languages and cultures. So, let’s give it a go and help to revitalise this unique language to Aotearoa for our tamariki. Each week our newsletter will include words or phrases that you might like to try out at your kāinga/home.

Here are some essential kupu that you may hear ia ra (everyday)

Te Huarere – The Weather
Kei te aha te huarere? – What’s the weather doing?
Te āhua nei ka paki – It looks like it’s going to be fine
Te āhua nei ka ua – It looks like it’s going to rain
Kei te pupuhi te hau – It’s windy
Tōna tikanga ka ua – It’s meant to rain
Pakaru mai ana te ua – It’s raining cats and dogs

Parent Voice Survey - Commiunication Channels & @school App

Thank you to those of you who took the time to complete the online or face to face survey. We’ve got some great feedback to work with and help guide us in this space. We are looking to streamline our methods for communicating and providing information and hope to have decisions made in the coming months. Some immediate actions that we can implement, based on the feedback, is the removal of icons on the @school app that are not being used and sending out a notification email when Learning Summaries are available to be accessed.

Important Message re Seesaw

This message is for ALL families, past and present, who have used Seesaw. PBS no longer uses Seesaw for reporting purposes, and our annual subscription is about to expire. This will result in the loss of full functionality of the app. To prevent any information or photographs from being lost, we recommend clicking on this link to learn how to save your child’s work by downloading a .zip archive. You will also find instructions on how to download journals from previous years and how to download message threads.  We will be making the switch to the ‘free’ version on May 31.  Many thanks.

Ngaru Syndicate Lunchtime Disco - This Friday

Friday, 24 May from 12.50-1.30pm in the school hall.  Tickets $5 each (includes face painting, ice block and a bag of chippies). 

Order your tickets on KINDO now.

Mid-Week Munchies

Yummy, scrummy mid-week munchies will be on sale tomorrow outside Room 14 at morning tea. Delicious treats. Haere mai ki te kai reka!

Poetry from Room 3

Knight Versus Dragon

Who will win and take the crown?

To be continued…

The Dragon shoots fire

The Knight grabs his shield to block

The Knight throws his sword

The sword hitting the dragon

The knight won, he gets the crown


Haiku and Tanka

In the holidays
I went to Argentina
With my mum and dad

I love the world cup
Argentina is the best
I’m good at football
Argentina scored a goal
Football is the best sport now



The sun lights the way
But the sun is not the way
There’s a difference

Bright red scarlet leaf
Clinging fiercely to the branch
It’s time to let go
Your bright red leaves are a path
Slowly eroding away

Year 8 Leaver's Hoodies

Any Year 8 student wishing to buy a leavers’ hoodie can purchase them through KINDO. $58 includes their name or nickname printed on it.

Orders close this Thursday, 23 May.

Ordering School photos

Class/sibling photos were taken towards the end of last term.  Order envelopes have been sent home to all families.  You can order online using the order code on your envelope. 

The closing date for orders is 28 May.  Please contact the office if you lose your order code.


Junior Cross Country

School Top Donations Requested

Do You Know a Good Sort?

Do you know someone from P.B.S. or the Kāpiti community who deserves a big “thank you” for their contributions?

The Kāpiti Good Sorts Awards recognise outstanding individuals, and the Wellington Airport Community Awards honour fantastic groups. This could include our dedicated coaches, supportive whānau, or anyone else who goes above and beyond for our ākonga or the Kāpiti Community.

Nominate them today!

Here’s how:

Let’s show our appreciation for the amazing people who make a difference at P.B.S. and in our community. Nominate your Good Sort today!

Yr 1-4 Hit the Green With Lawn Bowls

This past Thursday, our Year 1-4 students had a fantastic time learning the fundamentals of lawn bowls with a special guest coach – Brady Amer from Bowls Wellington!

The students were fully engaged as they mastered the art of rolling the bowls and aiming for the jack. It was a great opportunity for them to develop their coordination, sportsmanship and teamwork skills in a fun and inclusive environment. A big thank you to Brady Amer for introducing our young learners to this exciting sport!

Te Motu Boys Show Off Their Netball Skills

A huge shout-out to our fantastic Year 7-8 boys who participated in the Kapiti Have-A-Go Boy Only Tournament last Tuesday at Te Atiawa Courts! With 24 students taking part, it was a great day of friendly competition and showcasing their netball skills.

Special thanks must go to our dedicated parent volunteers, Rae Bolton, Karen O’Halloran, Jacinta Toa-Temara and David Marshall who managed and supervised the teams throughout the tournament. Their support is invaluable in making these events a success!

Celebrate Rotuman Language Week

Last week, we acknowledged Rotuman Language Week and the importance of preserving this unique language. We were fortunate to be invited to a special performance by the New Zealand Rotuman Fellowship Wellington Tautoga on Saturday. The Tautoga entertained us with traditional dances and songs and it was a privilege to see our very own student, Jermayne Inoke, take part! The afternoon concluded with a delicious hangi and a taste of Rotuman cuisine. Faiakse’ea to the Rotuman community for sharing their culture with us!

Want to see a glimpse of this fantastic Rotuman performance? Click on the link.

Future Student Achievements

If your child has an achievement you would like us to share in our newsletter, then please send details (and a picture if you would like) to