Newsletter 2024/05

Principal's Message

Kia ora koutou

I want to start off by saying a big Kia Ora ~ Thank You to our Whānau Group who invited me along to their meeting last night.  I was inspired by your warmth, enthusiasm and korero. I love being part of groups who unite in uplifting one another and others.  

It was fantastic to hear all of your ideas for our school’s Matariki celebration in June – if I could bottle up your abundance of energy and sell it, our kura would be a rich, rich place.  From helping kids weave artworks and paint river stones, to designing t-shirts and cooking hangi – this event is going to be tu meke!!

I would encourage every parent in our community to help with this event in some small way – so keep your ears to the ground for how you can help over the coming months. I also encourage all our Māori whānau to attend the next hui (Monday, 18 March at 6pm); this group’s energy is so good to be around.

Tēnei te mihi ki a koutou mo ō koutou mahi. 

Ngā mihi, Jess Ward

Please keep reading as we have information for you on: 

  • Senior bathroom refurb
  • Parent Voice Focus group – come along and enjoy a cuppa!
  • Digi Corner – advice on Social Media 

Upcoming dates for your awareness:

  • Teacher’s Paid Union Meeting – school closes at 1pm on Thursday, 28 March
  • EASTER BREAK – school closed  Friday, 29 March – Tuesday, 2 April.  Back to school Wednesday, 3 April.


Sharing good news spreads positivity, changes attitudes and ultimately leads to more people feeling encouraged and happy

Our Sports Ambassadors have been busy stamping “Movin’ March” passports at the school gates each morning.  “Movin’ March” is always very well supported at PBS; we obviously all understand the value of walking, scootering and biking to school – the traffic congestion also decreases noticeably which makes road patrol duty an enjoyable task too.

Welcome to Our Recent New Students

There were no new students this week

Have You Checked Out Our Community Notices Directory?

Do you need to advertise your business, an upcoming event, need child care,  or looking for a gift or new club to join?  Check out the PBS Community Directory on our website

Refurbishing the Senior Bathrooms - Seeking Parent and Caregiver Feedback

Last week I spoke to our senior classes about renovating the bathrooms outside Rooms 13 – 16. The board and I were interested to find out if they wanted to refresh them as they are (separate boys’ bathrooms and girls’ bathrooms) or move to single cubicles that can be used by anyone. The latter option means that we move from having several cubicle stalls in one room, to one toilet in a fully contained room (with floor to ceiling solid walls and a sink inside). 

Before designs are considered, we first need to establish the preferences for separate girls and boys bathrooms vs bathrooms that anyone can use (in a fully contained room).  Here’s what the senior students had to say:


  • Male students are clearly more comfortable with toilets anyone can use
  • Female students used the comments section to request shelves or storage for products
  • Mirrors and LED lighting were high on the request list

I now call on feedback from parents and caregivers.  Use this link to provide your feedback and I will publish the results in next week’s newsletter.  Thank you, Jess Ward

Parent Voice Focus Group

The PBS Board is seeking parent voice on a couple of areas to help inform our procedures and ensure that our systems are meeting the needs of all stakeholders. The first topic relates to school communication and what sources you use or prefer. The second topic is around the use and functionality of the @school parent app. 

The Board will be holding 2 Focus Group sessions on Tuesday, 12 March. The first meeting will be at 3:15pm in the staffroom (week 7). If this time doesn’t work for you then a second meeting is to be held later that same day at 6:30pm, also in the staffroom. We would greatly appreciate hearing your perspective on these topics. Please email Sarah Chambers to register your attendance: Afternoon tea will be provided.

Using the @school App

I will regularly highlight a button on the @school app. This week it is:

This is what this button allows you to set up on your device:

V Wilson – Assistant Principal

Kid's Quote

When showing a 4 year old around the school with their family last week, the child took one look at the first classroom and said “Can I stay now?”

I count that as very positive feedback! Nice work Tātahi teachers 🙂

Using Māori Language at Home

Learning another language provides many benefits including greater academic achievement, greater cognitive development, and more positive attitudes towards other languages and cultures. So, let’s give it a go and help to revitalise this unique language to Aotearoa for our tamariki. Each week our newsletter will include words or phrases that you might like to try out at your kāinga/home.

This week I will let you know more about our School pou – Te Aka Matua. This description was shared by the carver Jim Wiki a past student of PBS


The carver at work 

Te Aka Matua

I have woven in a number of stories to this pou.  This has primarily been done to depict knowing:

  • Who we are
  • Where we have come from
  • Where we are going

The Name

I have named the pou Te Aka Matua (The parent vine, the main vine) after the main vine that Tawhaki climbed to obtain Nga Kete o te Wānanga.  It has been named to depict the necessity for our children to hold on to the strongest ‘vine’ to succeed in life.

Who we are

The kowhaiwhai on the back of the pou depicts the korowai of learning from the school that cloaks the students, their whanau and the staff.

Where we have come from

The main figure represents Tawhaki.  In Māori folklore all knowledge in the world was obtained when Tāwhaki (some say Tāne) climbed the heavens and collected the three baskets. He brought the kete down to earth for the benefit of mankind. The centerpost above the figure represents Te Aka Matua, the main vine that Tawhaki climbed to obtain the kete.  The decoration on the centerpost depicts the steps Tawhaki took to reach the heavens.  The two manaia (as hands) depict the two sacred stones (used in the graduation ceremony of the Whare Wananga).  The kowhaiwhai on the front represents Ngā Kete o te Wānanga, the three baskets of knowledge, Te Kete Tuatea, Te Kete Tuauri and Te Kete Aronui. 

Where we are going

The pou, in its’ entirety, represents a taurapa (sternpost of a waka).  This is where the waka is steered.  It depicts guiding our children through life

CREST - Our School Values

At Paraparaumu Beach School we believe that positive relationships between all members of our community is at the heart of a happy, safe and healthy school. This promotes well being and success for all. 

Our school values are the foundation for enabling positive relationships. They reflect what is important to us as a school community, and foster a secure and supportive environment where our tamariki can learn and thrive. Through our CREST values students develop respect for themselves, others and their surroundings, promoting resilience and collaboration, all of which are important life skills.

Last week we started sharing each of our 5 school values. This week the focus is on the E in CREST which stands for Excellence.

Excellence – Hiranga

We show excellence by doing our best and achieving goals.

We aim high, persevere and are learning to be resilient.

Digi Corner

Social media platforms are designed for sharing, learning, interacting, and marketing. And whilst there are many benefits to social media there are also many pitfalls. The legal age to join the major platforms is 13+. We strongly advise parents to adhere to the legal age requirement for these sites, as past experience has shown that many children do not yet have the emotional maturity to deal with the complexities of human relationships online. 

When online bullying occurs, you as the parent, have the ability to report it via the social media platform it appears on. The below link provides information about how to go about this.

AIMS Games Parent Information Meeting

A meeting is being held tomorrow Wednesday, 6 March at 6pm in the staff room for any PBS parents of Year 7 & 8 students who would like to know more about the Zespri AIMS Games or who are interested in their child taking part this year.

The meeting will include an explanation about the event, what role the school has in regards to the event, parents’ role, question and answer time.


Information from Camell Netball Kapiti about Netball Kapiti offering a coaching programme for netball coaches.

Hi Everyone

I am pleased to advise that Netball Kapiti is now offering a Netball Kapiti Level 1 Coach Award.  This is a 6 week block course focusing on new coaches and any coach that has not undertaken any formal development and would like to add some fantastic resources to their coach toolkit.

I have attached a full brief of the program and would encourage our Clubs, Colleges, Primary School to promote this program to your netball coaches.  Registrations close on Friday 15th March. 

The registration link is on the document, but in case it does not work I have also attached it here:

Here is the link to the document Carmell mentioned.…/1XXiZDb7yEnuzYOtW4Go4…/edit…

Here is a brief outline of what is being offered:

Netball Yr 7 & Yr 8

Last week students who were interested in playing this season brought home a Netball registration form. Can these please be returned by Friday, 8 March to the School Office.

Trial dates will come out at a later date when they have been confirmed.

Movin' March

Movin’ March got off to a great start on Friday, with lots of students walking, riding and scootering to school. Keep it up: every fully stamped passport goes into the draw for prizes, which include a $400 Myride voucher!

Fancy Feet and Wheels Day

We will have our Fancy Feet and Wheels day, to celebrate the end of Movin’ March and Pedal Ready on Friday, 5 April. Decorate your bike, scooter or shoes and take part in the parade at 9.15 (weather permitting).


The PTA Annual General Meeting is taking place in the school staffroom on Wednesday, 6 March at 7.30pm.

We would love to see any new members to come and join the 2024 team.

Yr 7/8 Camp 2025

Te Motu Syndicate 2025 Camp Fundraiser

Be in to win a Double Family Pass for this live show at Wellington’s St James Theatre in the April School Holidays valued at $130.

Get your tickets now!  Raffle Tickets only $5 each available through Kindo or Room 14 (cash sales only)

Ticket sales close 21 March – Drawn 22 March

Delicious Doughboys Hot Cross Buns

Help our campers get to Bridge Valley in 2025. 

Hot cross buns (traditional and chocolate) can be ordered through any Yr 6 or Yr 7 student.  Funds raised will go towards their camp fund for next year.

Cost is $8 per 6 pack.  Orders must be in before Sunday, 17 March.

Future Student Achievements

If your child has an achievement you would like us to share in our newsletter, then please send details (and a picture if you would like) to

Can You Help?

We have a family in need, who are looking for a second-hand 10kg washing machine.  If you know of one that is up for sale or that is ‘free to a good home’ can you please email me on 

Thank you for supporting our PBS community.

Jess Ward

Waitārere Forest Run 

We invite you and your whānau to join the P.B.S Team and be part of the excitement at the Waitārere Forest Festival on Sunday, 14th April. This event is a fantastic opportunity for our community to come together, walk or run alongside our tamariki. 

Registering under the PBS Team will receive a 20% entry discount.

For more information about this event, visit You can then register and join the PBS Team using the password PBSTEAM.

If you have any questions, please contact Hillary Houston at