Newsletter 2024/03

Principal's Message

Kia ora

Join us for our annual Summer Picnic this Friday from 4pm to 7pm on the school field! There will be lots of fun to be had including outdoor games, an open pool, a tug of war, and a huge inflatable obstacle course. 

While many families may opt to bring their own picnic feasts, fear not, for we’ve got you covered with mouthwatering sausage sizzles, refreshing iceblocks, and tempting spiders available for purchase (CASH ONLY).

Don’t forget to pack your picnic rug and rally your whānau. Be sure to bring some cash to purchase food or for inflatable-obstacle-course-fun: For just $2 per child, they can have unlimited attempts to conquer its slippery peaks.

We hope to see you all there!

THERE’S LOTS TO READ TODAY -Please keep reading as we have information for you on: 

  • Principal concerns; jaywalking, driver behaviour and student punctuality
  • Extending the school zone – Let the Ministry know your feedback
  • Parent Course – free Mindfulness and Emotional Regulation 
  • Parent Education Evening – “Keeping our Kids Safe Online” Rob Cope
  • Parent Meeting for the AIMS games
  • Covid update

Ngā mihi nui,

Jess Ward
Principal ~ Tumuaki


Sharing good news spreads positivity, changes attitudes and ultimately leads to more people feeling encouraged and happy

Like most educators, at PBS we love hearing what former students achieve later in life.  So we were blown away to see three former students in last week’s local newspaper all achieving their dreams! We are proud of you Sam Taylor, Sophia Strawbridge and Fletcher Martin; you are providing inspiration for current PBS Kids!

Fletcher Martin
Sophia Strawbridge
Sam Taylor

I was also immensely proud of all our PBS Kids who participated in the “Run and Become” event around the bays on Sunday. You are magnificent achievers! Thank you to Hillary Houston for organising this event; I believe PBS kids were the only school from the Kapiti region to participate. Tu Meke!

Check out more about this later in the newsletter 🙂

Welcome to Our Recent New Students

There were no new students this week

Have You Checked Out Our Community Notices Directory?

Do you need to advertise your business, an upcoming event, need child care,  or looking for a gift or new club to join?  Check out the PBS Community Directory on our website

PBS Aroha - Thanks to You!

Last year we used our PBS AROHA fund to buy food for students without lunch, provide some families with Pak n Save vouchers, purchase stationery items for kids in need and support families in the lead up to Christmas.  We even arranged to help Santa with gifts. 

If you’ve only just started at Paraparaumu Beach School, the PBS AROHA fund is our way of parents supporting parents, and whānau supporting whānau, so that kids get the same  experiences as their peers. 

We all experience tough circumstances from time to time, but for some families these challenges are ongoing. Our fund enables anyone in our community, including businesses, to donate money to help those who are struggling.  It also means the school can provide lunches when kids don’t have any.

If you are able to contribute to our fund throughout 2024, you can do so through the KINDO shop.  Just look for the label “PBS AROHA” – which allows you to donate $5, $10 or $20 at any time. Alternatively, if you know of a local business who wants to contribute just contact Libby on  

Thank you PBS Community; your kindness is so appreciated.

Principal Concerns

I hate to grumble but I really need parent help to address some things which seem to be on the rise. 

  1. JAYWALKING: Unfortunately this is mainly parents.  Today on morning road patrol 5 or 6 parents jaywalked within 6 metres of the zebra crossing (whilst the patrol kids were on duty). Other teachers have reported the same issues to me. Jaywalking sets a really unsafe example for students and it isn’t showing respect for the road patrol team who are trying to keep your children safe. 
  2. DRIVER BEHAVIOUR: Please do not park on yellow lines or the clearway to drop your children off in the morning or collect them after school. This is illegal. Stopping in these places blocks the road patroller’s vision of traffic.
  3. PUNCTUALITY: We have noticed a spike in poor punctuality – with up to 25 kids signing in after the bell daily. Being late does not set your child up for educational success. Please ensure your child is at school before the 8.55am bell every day.  Getting your child into a good morning routine will serve them well all their lives. 

Extending the School Zone - The Ministry Wants to Hear Your Feedback

Yesterday parents and caregivers were sent an email informing you of our desire to extend our school zone.  

Why do we want to widen our school zone?
In 2015 PBS grew to 730 students which was simply too many for our school site.  After consultation with the Ministry we were allowed to reduce our school zone.  The aim was to reduce student numbers over time to 600; this took a total of five years.

However, since 2021 we have dipped under the 600 figure. This also coincides with a predicted decrease in population in the greater Wellington region.  Therefore, our board and I are concerned that the boundaries of our current zone are now choking our growth. 

Student numbers are a fine balancing act which is why we still take ‘out of zone’ students from time to time. However, if we continue to shrink, we risk losing teaching staff, curriculum funding and property funding.  The Ministry may also take away empty classrooms. So on that note, please tell the Ministry your thoughts on our school zone by filling in the short survey on the link below (closes 4 March).  Thank you.

Parent Evening Mindfulness & Emotional Regulation - Wednesday, 6 March (FREE)

Overview and Purpose:

Sara Watchorn is passionate about teaching children how to notice and regulate the range of emotions that we all experience. By learning to manage these emotions it can help students as they navigate their way through their schooling and their lives. Mindfulness plays a big role in emotional regulation and helps us to really be in the present moment. Sara’s workshops explain how mindfulness works both at school and home. She provides practical tips and activities for both parents and teachers.

Presenter: Sara Watchorn
Facilitator: Sara Speight
Venue: Paraparaumu College Staffroom
Time: 7pm – 8pm

Registration Link:

CREST - Our School Values

At Paraparaumu Beach School we believe that positive relationships between all members of our community is at the heart of a happy, safe and healthy school. This promotes well being and success for all. 

Our school values are the foundation for enabling positive relationships. They reflect what is important to us as a school community, and foster a secure and supportive environment where our tamariki can learn and thrive. Through our CREST values, students develop respect for themselves, others and their surroundings, promoting resilience and collaboration, all of which are important life skills.

Over the upcoming weeks we will be sharing each of our 5 school values. This week the focus is on the C in CREST which stands for Curiosity.

Curiosity  Pātaitai

We are curious, innovative and active learners. We are engaged in the world around us and reflect honestly on our work, actions and decisions.

Kid's Quote

11 year old wisdom: “One good thing can lead to a thousand good things.”

Digi Corner

Netsafe is an excellent source of information for parents about how to keep your child/ren safe online and what you can do to support them. See the parent tool kit below. 

Another helpful site is Switch on to Safety, which is a collaborative initiative between the Ministry of Education, N4L and Netsafe. It offers a free filter that blocks the worst of the web. To learn more click on the link.

Family Zone also offers online protections for families covering all devices. This is a company that provides cybersafety services for our school.

AIMS Games Parent Information Meeting

A meeting is being held on Wednesday, 6 March at 6pm in the staff room for any PBS parents of Year 7 & 8 students who would like to know more about the Zespri AIMS Games or who are interested in their child taking part this year.

The meeting will include an explanation about the event, what role the school has in regards to the event, parents’ role, question and answer time.

Parents Cybersafety Evening

Tuesday, 5 March 2024 7pm at Te Raukura Ki Kāpiti, Kāpiti College.

Filmmaker, Author and Speaker Rob Cope, producer of the documentary “Our Kids Online” will come and give what promises to be a humorous and eye-opening evening talk to our parent community.

Tickets can be purchased online at Eventfinder. The $10 ticket includes a glass of bubbles upon arrival. This is for adults only – please don’t bring students.

Covid in the Community

We have noticed that we are having an increase in covid cases in the school community since the start of the term.  Please note that the school is no longer being supplied with boxes of covid tests by the Ministry of Education, but these are available free to anyone until the end of June from Life Pharmacy at Kapiti Lights.

Parents, please do your utmost to keep children with colds and sniffles at home – as often times they have Covid and we want to keep case numbers down.  Thank you for your ongoing vigilance and support.

Yr 7/8 Camp 2025

Parents & Caregivers of Yr 6 & 7 Students

A reminder that there will be a meeting on Wednesday, 28 February at 3.15pm in Room 14 for anyone who is interested in helping organise fundraising events for senior camp in 2025.   

If you would like to help or have ideas/donations, but you are unable to attend the meeting, please email your details to Alice Graham at

Te Motu Syndicate 2025 Camp Fundraiser 

Be in to win a Double Family Pass for this live show at Wellington’s St James Theatre in the April School Holidays valued at $130.

Get your tickets now!  Raffle Tickets only $5 each available through Kindo or Room 14 (cash sales only)

Ticket sales close 21 March – Drawn 22 March


PTA Thanks

Thanks so much to the 2023 amazing PTA Committee below who have worked hard at fundraising over the past year.

In 2023 the committee worked really hard to raise money and also gave up lots of time to help the school.  They have given around $18K for various projects including purchasing sunscreen, giving money to the student council for school initiatives, and helped syndicates with trips/ camps/resources. One big project they worked on was doing up the sandpit and the pool area, including purchasing a new shade sail over the sandpit, new non-slip flooring for the pool changing rooms and painting the rooms as well as getting new toys and making a sandpit box.


The PTA Annual General Meeting is taking place in the school staffroom on Wednesday, 6 March at 7.30pm.

We would love to see any new members to come and join the 2024 team.

PBS Tamariki Shine At the Annual Round The Bays Event

Over the last three months, a group of 25 students has actively participated in the Run and Become Programme organised by Nuku Ora. This programme has been dedicated to promoting holistic well-being by offering lessons on nutrition, mindfulness and engaging in physical activities.

Our tamariki brilliantly showcased their abilities by successfully completing the challenging 5.5 km run/walk, accompanied by their whānau and alongside over 3500 participants. Sponsored by Southern Cross and Nuku Ora, each participant was rewarded with event t-shirts, medals and they enjoyed delicious kai before and after the event.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to Nuku Ora, the Run and Become team and Southern Cross for their invaluable support. The success of our tamariki is a testament to their dedication, truly embodying the spirit of our school community.

Recent Student Achievements

Deer Stalkers:  Congratulations to Wihan Esterhuizen (Room 16) showing his achievement in the New Zealand Deer Stalkers Association’s Annual Pair Shooting Competition for 2024.  This competition is all about getting juniors and novices to team up with an experienced shooter, and have a go at the sport of shooting. They had nine teams and Wihan and his senior team mate won first place (Gold medal).

Future Student Achievements

If your child has an achievement you would like us to share in our newsletter, then please send details (and a picture if you would like) to

Waitārere Forest Run - 14 April

Click on the link here for more information.

Click on the link here  to register under the PBS team.