Principal's Message
Kia ora koutou
Welcome back to school!
I want to start this newsletter with gratitude; gratitude to those of you who have helped our school community in one way or another recently. In particular, I want to mention the parents who helped John Trask with our stage project on the field (it’s coming along nicely), the PTA for their incredible mahi refreshing the swimming pool changing rooms and sandpit area, Paraparaumu Doors and Nourish Trust who provided some extras at Christmas time for whānau, Nicki Jul who does an incredible job with our lost property each term, the Shaw family for regular pantry items for student lunches, and EVERYONE who contributed to the PBS AROHA fund last year. Your kindness touched the lives of others.
Thank you for the continued support – it takes a village to raise a child and run a school! On that note, I hope you can all make it along to our School’s summer picnic on Friday, 23 February (at school). School events which bring us all together are thoroughly enjoyed by the kids and they help us build a sense of community. More details in next week’s newsletter.
With Waitangi Day tomorrow, it’s timely for us all to think about Te Tiriti and how we can uphold its principles. At Paraparaumu Beach School, we are especially proud of the progress we have made over the years to promote te reo, follow tikanga and uplift Māori students and whānau. We will continue to strive for improvement in this area. One thing we are currently trying to boost is the use of our school waiata. You and your child can learn this here
Our union, NZEI, is also “committed to driving positive change in education so that all tamariki Māori can succeed as Māori, and all children in Aotearoa know they have a place to stand.”
Ngā mihi nui,
Jess Ward
Principal ~ Tumuaki
In today’s newsletter you can read about:
- Dress Code reminder
- Sun safety reminder and suggestions
Upcoming dates for your awareness:
- School Picnic on Friday, 23 February – put this date in your diary
Sharing good news spreads positivity, changes attitudes and ultimately leads to more people feeling encouraged and happy
Welcome to all our new students and whānau who have started at PBS this year. It has been lovely to meet you and your children, and be greeted by their smiles.
Welcome to Our Recent New Students
Olivia, Niko and Emmy in Rm 25, Tatum, Raavi, Ailee, Dylan and Remi in Rm 19, Harper, Swasti and Aurora in Rm 26, Kobi – Rm 16, Kayley – Rm 7, Casey – Rm 3, Phoenix – Rm 12, Maxwell and Isabella – Rm 4 and Angelina – Rm 21
Have You Checked Out Our Community Notices Directory?
Do you need to advertise your business, an upcoming event, need child care, or looking for a gift or new club to join? Check out the PBS Community Directory on our website
Parent Working Bee
As mentioned above, a huge thank you to our dedicated and hardworking PTA. The new shade sail and equipment box in the sandpit look especially good, and the refreshed pool changing sheds look great – repainted and with slip proof matting. We all really appreciate your mahi. Miharo!

Using Māori Language at Home
Learning another language provides many benefits including greater academic achievement, greater cognitive development, and more positive attitudes towards other languages and cultures. So, let’s give it a go and help to revitalise this unique language to Aotearoa for our tamariki. Each week our newsletter will include words or phrases that you might like to try out at your kāinga/home.
Here are some essential kupu that you may hear ia ra (everyday)
Kupu for objects found in the classroom:
Tēpu – table
Tūru – chair
Matapihi – window
Tatau – door
Papamā – whiteboard
Rorohiko – computer
Paparorohiko – tablet
iPapa – ipad
Pene – pen
Pene rakau – pencil
Pene raku tae – colour pencil
Ngā pene raku tae – colour pencils
Pene hinu – crayon
Ngā pene hinu – crayons
Pene whītau – felt pen
Ngā pene whītau – felt pens
Miramira – highlighter
Peita – paint
Kutikuti – scissors
Hāpiapia – sellotape

Kid's Quote
Last week a 10 year old student told me… “It’s good to be back in my other home!”

PBS Dress Code
Please refresh your understanding of our school’s policy
At Paraparaumu Beach School we ask students to adhere to our school dress code. Our dress code is designed to reinforce pride in appearance, self respect, personal safety and so students can focus on learning.
At Paraparaumu Beach School:
- Students are expected to dress in a clean, tidy and comfortable manner.
- Clothing may express the wearer’s individuality, but must not be offensive or revealing.
- A Wide brimmed hat must be worn outside during Terms 1&4
- Clothing that protects skin from the sun damage is encouraged during Terms 1&4
- Hair should be kept clean and tidy.
- Any hair dye must be within the natural (human hair) colour spectrum.
- For safety reasons, only stud earrings are acceptable. Only ears may be pierced.
- Other jewellery, other than taonga, is discouraged and/or must be removed or made safe for physical activity.
- Sensible footwear is required. No shoes with heels or wheels.
- For safety reasons, Year 7/8 students need to wear shoes with closed toes to the Technology Centre.
- Face make-up is not to be worn. Teachers may allow face paint or make-up for special occasions or performance purposes.
If the dress or appearance of a student does not adhere to the dress code guidelines, then parent/caregiver may be contacted.
Our dress code is designed to reinforce pride in appearance, self respect, personal safety and so students can focus on learning.
SUN SAFE PRACTICES – Bring a hat to leave at school!
Kiwi kids typically love being outdoors and with our summers getting hotter the risks of sunburn are high.
At PBS we require students to wear wide-brimmed bucket style hats when outdoors in Terms 1 and 4, even when it’s cloudy. This style of hat offers protection to the face, neck and ears. Students who do not have a hat are required to stay under the shade of their classroom balcony at break times. Therefore, we’d like to suggest that all students have a named hat that they can keep at school.
Our school has small supplies of sunscreen, which the student council put out on our sunscreen stations. However, ensuring your child is wearing sunscreen (or has a supply in their school bag), has a bucket style hat and wears appropriate clothing is a parental responsibility. Thank you
P.S. Roll-on sunscreen products are the easiest for children to self apply. We suggest your child has their own personal supply in their school bag.
Attendances & Absences
Regular attendance is a key part in supporting your child’s learning journey. There’s a clear link between going to school regularly and doing well at school, which sets students up for greater opportunities as they progress through life.
If your child will be absent from school there are a number of ways that you can let us know (refer to the list below). It is important that you make contact and include an explanation as to why your child is away from school. Firstly, for safety and wellbeing purposes and secondly, as we are required to code absenteeism for the Ministry of Education. If you choose to email your child’s teacher, please copy the office in on the email so that everyone is kept in the loop and the correct code can be applied.
If your child is going to be absent during term time, for a family event or trip, parents/caregivers need to complete a ‘Student Leave form’. Forms are available from the school office or available on our website under the Information tab
List of contact information for PBS
- To ring the school office: (04) 2985775
- To text the school cell phone: 027 7557915
- Email:
- Message via the Absence icon on the @school app:
- Message via the Absentee icon on the Skool Loop app:

Digi Corner
Being a good digital citizen at PBS
Students are responsible for ensuring their own behaviour is safe, friendly and fair. This means following our school’s values when online or using digital tools. We have 7 key student responsibilities as part of our being a good digital citizen at PBS. We will be sharing these with you over the coming weeks, but they can be found on our school website and are displayed in our classrooms. The first three are:
- Keep it kind. When you are online, think about others and talk or share in a kind way. Cyber bullying is not okay at any time. Talk to an adult if this happens to you or a friend.
- Keep it to yourself. Keep your passwords and information about yourself or other people safe and private.
- Keep it careful. Think carefully about what you share and make sure it’s something you are proud of and would be happy sharing with someone else face to face. Tell an adult if you are feeling unsafe or unsure.
We recommend having regular conversations with your child/ren about cyber safety topics so that they feel confident navigating the digital world and recognise that they can approach you for advice if an issue arises.
Game On – Parenting Course for men
Get ready to say “Game On!” for a unique parenting course tailored exclusively for dads. The program kicks off on Wednesday, 14th February, from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm and spans over 8 weeks.
Join us at the Greenstone Doors, St Bernadette’s Hall, 190 Naenae Road. Reach out to Francis via text at 021 0887 4824 for more details.
Facilitated by Francis and Ian, the course delves into essential topics such as understanding our kids’ needs, defining our roles as dads, effective communication, discipline and boundary setting, and what contributes to a thriving family dynamic. All this is explored in a relaxed atmosphere, accompanied by delicious kai, tea/coffee, and engaging conversations.
To secure your spot, contact our Office Manager for registration at or at

Road Safety
We have had a good start to the year with drivers using our ‘drop and go’ zones correctly, not parking in the clearway and not parking over our neighbour’s driveways. Thank you.
If you need to refresh your memory on where the drop zones are or where our clearways are and the times they operate there is a booklet on our school website under the tab called Information. The booklet ‘Traffic Issues and Parking Restrictions’. Here is the link to the school website page
@ School App
The @ School App is another of our school’s communication tools.
You can download the @School app from the ‘Google Play’ or the ‘Apple App’ store. You will be sent information from school on how to log in – these instructions last for one month. If you do not have a log in please contact your child’s teacher as they can send you the instructions.
This is the view on a mobile phone of what the @school app looks like:
This is the view on a desktop computer of what the @school app looks like:
The @school app enables you to notify us if your child is going to be absent, see your child’s (Year 3 – Year 8) learning goals for the term, access their latest Learning Summary (end of Term 2 and Term 4) and access the school newsletters.
You can find a booklet with more information in regards to the @ School App on our school website. The document is called @ School App Parent Information Booklet.
Future Student Achievements
If your child has an achievement you would like us to share in our newsletter, then please send details (and a picture if you would like) to
Skool Loop App
Download the simple free Skool Loop App now to keep up-to-date with important information for our school.

Be in to Win a $50 Voucher
Order ezlunch for delivery between 12-23 February to enter the draw to win a $50 voucher!

Children's Asthma Study