Newsletter 2023/37

Principal's Message

Kia ora koutou e te whānau

I loved hearing all about Te Moana syndicate’s camp to Kaitoke last week. It sounds like the kids had a fun time, full of lots of new experiences. Without teachers willing to organise or attend camps (as happens at some schools) our students would simply miss out; so huge thanks to Vanessa Brewer, Hillary Houston, David Parr, Ginny Hawke and Di Puati for all their incredible work to make this a reality.  Additional thanks to our superb parent-helpers on camp, who gave up their time to make sure everyone’s kids were cared for and getting the most out of each day. Massive gratitude to you all.

In today’s newsletter you can read about: 

  • 2024-2026 Strategic Planning
  • PTA Grocery Grab results
  • Interschool Athletics
  • New Entrant Parent Information session

Upcoming dates for your awareness:

  • District Kapa Haka hui – this Friday, 1 December
  • Year 8 Leaver’s Dinner -Tuesday, 5 December
  • Whole School Assembly – 9.15am Wednesday, 6 December – All parents and caregivers welcome (weather dependent as this event is held outdoors)
  • Year 5-8 Prizegiving – Friday, 15 December

Last day of school is Friday, 15 December – School closes at 12.30pm on this day.


Over the last two Sundays, our Board and Senior Leadership team have put in 12 hours reading through survey feedback, identifying the main themes and considering goals and initiatives for our new strategic plan. At this point, we would really like to thank everyone who completed surveys, as this feedback has been very helpful.  Your feedback on what we are doing well on and what areas you want us to lift is guiding our decision-making with children’s wellbeing and education at the heart.  Here are a few pictures of the team discussing and voting on the identified themes. Huge thanks to parent reps Kate Fiske and Sam Direen, for leading this process.


Sharing good news spreads positivity, changes attitudes and ultimately leads to more people feeling encouraged and happy

Over the last week I have seen students demonstrate the CREST values of Excellence and Self Management in a number of ways.  Micah from Room 22 proudly shared his marble run inquiry project with me, and all the office staff had fun taking a turn with it. Ka rawe Micah!

Then a bunch of young learners from Room 18 popped into my office to share their treasure map creations with me. Jack, Briella, Aineias, Blake, Ava and Lucie were eager to tell me all the steps in the process, from design, to staining the map with coffee to make it look ancient and lastly creating a wax seal.  Ka mau te wehi! Terrific!

Thanks for reading.
Ka kite ano
Jess Ward
Principal ~ Tumuaki

Young Learners - Rm 18
Micah - Rm 22

Welcome to Our Recent New Students

Jaziah and Sienna – both in Rm 20

Have You Checked Out Our Community Notices Directory?

Do you need to advertise your business, an upcoming event, need child care,  or looking for a gift or new club to join?  Check out the PBS Community Directory on our website

Using Māori Language at Home

Learning another language provides many benefits including greater academic achievement, greater cognitive development, and more positive attitudes towards other languages and cultures. So, let’s give it a go and help to revitalise this unique language to Aotearoa for our tamariki. Each week our newsletter will include words or phrases that you might like to try out at your kāinga/home.

Here are some essential kupu that you may hear ia ra (everyday)

January – Hānuere
February – Pēpuere
March – Māehe
April – Āperira
May – Mei
June – Hune
July – Hūrae
August – Ākuhata
September – Hepetema
October – Oketopa
November – Noema
December – Tihema

Student Council

Ngā mihi nui koutou! Thank you for supporting the Lunchtime Disco last week for the Ngaru Syndicate. The funds raised will help with Student Council projects for next year.

Here’s a few photos of the fun we had!

Kapa Haka Hui

The Kapa Haka Hui will be held at Nga Purapura, Tasman Road, Otaki this Friday, 1 December.

Our group will be performing at 10.45am and we would love to see you there if you can make it!

New Entrant Parent Information Presentation – Tātahi Syndicate

A New Entrant Information Presentation will be held for all parents of new children this Friday, 1 December 2023, from 10.00-10.30am in the staffroom.

This session will :

  • provide an overview of the ‘Transition to School
  • provide an overview of the New Entrant Programme in reading, writing and mathematics
  • highlight how you can help at home with learning

In Tātahi Syndicate, we believe that successful partnerships between home and school are established when both parties have a shared expectation and knowledge of their child’s learning. We would love to see you there.


Advent Calendar & Scentsy Products

Congratulations to Lizette van den Berg who won the Christmas advent calendar first prize and Deb Marryatt who won the Scentsy products second prize in the Aroha Fund raffle.  

All funds raised are going to the Aroha Fund to support families in need at Christmas.  Thank you to all who purchased tickets in the raffle.

Grocery Grab Raffle

The PTA would like to thank everyone for their support with selling the Grocery Grab raffle tickets over the past month. The draw took place yesterday so don’t forget to check out PBS School or New World’s websites for the video of the draw.

Congratulations to the winners.  We will put a video of the actual grab on the website next week.

Inter-School Athletics

What a way to spend a sunny day! On Wednesday last week 21 of our senior students headed off to Paraparaumu Domain to give it their all at the interschool athletics. Students competed in a range of events and did PBS proud in each and every one of them. Their sportsmanship and ability was commented on by teachers from other schools which is always amazing to hear.  Well done to everyone who endured the hot day and gave it their best.

Congratulations to the following students who will be representing us at the regional event next Tuesday at Newtown Park in Wellington (Information for this event had been sent home with your child.)

  • Tyron Baker
  • Anika Rehal
  • Holly McCullagh
  • Phoebe Corin
  • Zac Chandler
  • Skye Kraus
  • Jonathan Naude
  • Mia Thompson
  • Marcail Rosson
  • Cooper Tofts

A big thank you to our amazing parents who provided transport to and from the event enabling us to go.

At the end of the day we had four very exciting relays, with great wins for our girls in both Year 7 and Year 8. Photos of our teams are below, except our Year 8 boys who were too fast for our photographer!

Camp Lost Property

There is still a lot of unnamed lost property from camp.  It will be on display outside Room 2 and 3 for the remainder of this week and then will be taken away.
Please come and have a look.

Recent Student Achievements

Foodbank Helpers:  Hayley Kirton and Ellie Coleman, Room 12 helped at the Kapiti Community Foodbank drive as packers in the weekend! 

Recent Student Achievements

Touch Rugby:  Congratulations to all our PBS students who were selected and participated in the regional Touch Rugby rep tournament in Whanganui this weekend. 

Future Student Achievements

If your child has an achievement you would like us to share in our newsletter, then please send details (and a picture if you would like) to

Te Newhanga Kāpiti Community Centre -Survey

We want to hear about the needs of our community as we consider options for the possible redevelopment of the Te Newhanga Kāpiti Community Centre.

 It’s really important to hear the views of the Kāpiti community and the organisations that serve our community on what any future development of the Te Newhanga Kāpiti Community Centre could and should look like. We also want to hear what’s important about a community space for Kāpiti.

The survey is being conducted by Mobius Research on behalf of Kāpiti Coast District Council. 

Here is the live survey link:

Thank you for your participation!