Newsletter 2023/29

Acting Principal's Message

Kia ora koutou,

Today’s newsletter is packed with useful information for our whānau, with a few highlights being

  • Book Week’s exciting events
  • Lost property, please claim it
  • The process regarding requests for 2024

I hope the strong winds over the weekend didn’t cause too much damage for you and your whānau. Unfortunately, a couple of our shade sails took a bit of a hammering so the large playground has been cordoned off until the necessary repairs can be done. Collecting pine cones and fallen branches from around the school field was a popular lunchtime activity yesterday, but other than that, we were very fortunate.

And just like that we are in the last week of Term 3. What a cracker it has been. So many cool opportunities and student successes! This week is PBS Book Week which is a celebration about all things book related. Thank you Vicki Howarth for driving this kaupapa. There’s lots happening across the week for our tamariki. Come and check out the window displays that are going up and of course the big finale, the Book Character Parade, happening on Friday (check the dates section for time and location).

Last Friday our Year 2s visited Whakarongotai Marae in Waikanae. We are very grateful to the local Iwi and kaumatua who warmly welcomed our tamariki and their whānau, shared their knowledge and provided a safe space for our tamariki to learn and experience te reo and tikanga Māori. For many of our students this was their first time setting foot on a Marae. Ngā mihi nui to Whaea Sandy for your mahi towards the visit, and Matenga Baker and Vicki Wilson for supporting our teachers and tamariki.

I was asked to be one of the judges for Te Moana’s speech final. Well, what a pleasure it was to listen to such talented young people. However, it did make judging a very challenging job! I’m very glad I had the Board Chair, Dr Zoe Pearson and Year 8 student Austin Malden to help me. Well done to all of the students who presented in the final. Today some of Te Motu students will be displaying their oratory skills. Karawhiua!

This week marks my final newsletter, as Jess Ward returns from sabbatical for Term 4. Just like PBS students, I have been presented with plenty of new learning opportunities! Thank you for your support across the term. I’m also grateful to have such a fantastic team of colleagues around me, who work tirelessly to keep our kura positively progressing. 

Enjoy the school holiday break and I look forward to seeing everyone relaxed and ready to go for the start of Term 4.

Noho ora mai rā, nā
Sarah Chambers
Acting Principal

Upcoming dates for your calendar:

  • Tuesday, 19 September – Te Motu (Year 7 & 8) Speech Cup Final 1.15pm, Tātahi gymnastics visit, Te Motu targeted swimming groups
  • Wednesday, 20 September – KBA basketball skills sessions with Te Motu
  • Friday, 22 September – Whole School Book Character Day Parade at 9:10am on the basketball court, New Entrant Parent Meeting in the Staffroom at 10am, Last day of the school term
  • Saturday, 23 September -Sunday, 8 October – School holidays
  • Monday, 9 October – Start of Term 4


Sharing good news spreads positivity, changes attitudes and ultimately leads to more people feeling encouraged and happy

Thanks Kobe for sharing your recount writing with me! I was very impressed! I’m glad you’ve enjoyed the gymnastic trips.

I spotted this cool collective artwork by Room 1 students, which links with their inquiry unit Exploring Aotearoa New Zealand’s history through The Arts.

Welcome to Our Recent New Students

There were no new students this week

Have You Checked Out Our Community Notices Directory?

Do you need to advertise your business, an upcoming event, need child care,  or looking for a gift or new club to join?  Check out the PBS Community Directory on our website

New Office Open Hours

Please note the new office opening days and times (during term time):

  • Monday-Thursday 8.20am-3.30pm
  • Friday – 8.20am – 3pm

Out of Zone Applications First Half of 2024

If you have any children due to start school soon that you have not let us know about, or if you have friends or neighbours who don’t currently have a child at PBS, but may be hoping to enrol a Year 0/1 student here in Terms 1 or 2 2024, please ask them to contact our school office asap.  Thank you.

“Out of Zone” applications for Terms 1 and 2 Yr 0/1 students will shortly be advertised in the Kapiti Observer.

Applications close at 4pm on Monday, 16 October.

Cohort Entry Consultation

We value your feedback!  Further to previous newsletter information, please click on the link Cohort Letter to read more about the proposed cohort entry for new entrants at PBS in 2024. 

There is a link within the PDF to send in your feedback.  Thank you.

Using Māori Language at Home

Learning another language provides many benefits including greater academic achievement, greater cognitive development, and more positive attitudes towards other languages and cultures. So, let’s give it a go and help to revitalise this unique language to Aotearoa for our tamariki. Each week our newsletter will include words or phrases that you might like to try out at your kāinga/home.

5 reo Māori phrases to use in the evening:

Kei te hiamoe koe? – Are you sleepy?

You can replace hiamoe with – mahana (warm), pai (okay)
Taitaihia ō niho – Brush your teeth

Useful kupu – niho (teeth), taitai niho (toothbrush), pēniho (toothpaste)
Horoia tō kanohi – Wash your face
Horoia tō ringaringa – Wash your hands
Kuhuna ō kākahu moe – Get into your pyjamas

Useful kupu – te moenga (the bed), paraikete (blanket)
E moe ō karu – Go to sleep

Other kupu for eyes are: – whatu, kamo

For more kupu go to

Aroha Fund

One thing our school community is rich in is KINDNESS. It’s something we work hard to promote amongst our students. When we know someone is in need we try to give some additional support because not everyone’s circumstances are the same. We do our best as a school to ensure every child has equal opportunities regardless of finance or personal circumstance. Our PBS AROHA fund was set up to enable our whole community to offer support to such families.

The PBS AROHA fund enables anyone in our school community, including businesses, to donate money to help those in our school community who find it hard to make ends meet. It also means that we can provide lunches when kids don’t have any.

If you would like to contribute to this fund you can find it in KINDO labelled PBS AROHA. You can contribute $5, $10 or $20 at any time during the year. If a local business wants to make a contribution they can contact Libby on

Please talk to the office, Sarah Chambers or Jess Ward if you would like to know more about our PBS AROHA fund. All discussions will be confidential.

Giving a little means a lot!

Class Requests for 2024

The process of putting class lists together for a new year is an extremely complex and time consuming task. There are many variables to consider, for example; equal class sizes, the gender balance in each class, the distribution of students with social/behaviour and learning needs, medical needs, splitting cousins/siblings, and so on.

In a small school there may only be one class at each level and therefore no opportunity to group students in different ways. In a school our size, whilst we do have the advantage of flexibility, the process takes time and consideration. I can assure you that we act professionally and thoughtfully when placing students in classes.

We ask that parents are understanding and supportive of the complexities involved.

At PBS we prefer that parents do not submit requests unless there are exceptional circumstances. If parents want us to consider any exceptional circumstances that their child may have in regards to class placement for next year, then the formal process below must be followed:

*Requests must specifically describe the exceptional circumstances around the child’s needs
*It is preferable that parents do not request a specific teacher by name
*Requests must be from the child’s parent/legal guardian
*Requests must be in writing to the Principal
*Requests must be received no later than Friday, 27 October

Whilst we allow parents to submit such requests, we do ask in return, that the final decision on class placement (whether or not a request has been met) is both respected and promoted positively by parents to their child.

Thank you.

New Entrant Parent Information Presentation – Tātahi Syndicate

A New Entrant Information Presentation will be held for all parents of new children on Friday, 22 September 2023 from 10.00-10.30am in the staffroom.

This session will :

  • Provide an overview of the ‘Transition to School’
  • Provide an overview of the New Entrant Programme in reading, writing and mathematics
  • Highlight how you can help at home with learning

At PBS, we believe that successful partnerships between home and school are established when both parties have a shared expectation and knowledge of their child’s learning. We would love to see you there.

School Memories Photo Orders

Photo order forms for Yrs 0-2 students, Rm 16 students and sports/teams have been sent to classrooms. 

Portrait and class photos can be previewed online before ordering; and team/group photos (where applicable) can be previewed online before ordering and also have a proof on the order form.  Orders  close on 18 October.

If you have lost your order code, please contact the office.

Lost Property

Please check the lost property cupboard on the wet, and windy days this week as there might be no chance to display the clothes this week.   All un-named and un-claimed items will be given to the Koha Shed.


All netball tops and shorts need to be returned to school by the end of this week.  They need to be washed and dried before being returned as they go back into storage for the next season.
Thank you

Future Student Achievements

If your child has an achievement you would like us to share in our newsletter, then please send details (and a picture if you would like) to

Second Hand Touch Rugby Boots Required

Do you have second hand touch rugby boots lying around that your children have grown out of?  The Kapiti Kids Sports Shoe Bank is in desperate need of second hand boots to pass on at no charge to local kids starting the touch season. By donating shoes, you are enabling more local kids to play sports!!
Drop off points are 2 Fincham Road, Raumati, Paraparaumu Primary School Office on Ruapehu Street or Waikanae Baptist Church, Te Moana Road 9am-12pm Tues to Fri, C/- Thursday Craft Angels. 
For more info, see the Facebook page or contact