Newsletter 2022/36

Principal's Message

Nǐ hӑo ma  你好吗

This week’s greeting acknowledges the six students of Chinese heritage at PBS.  This number is smaller than we have had in past years but the strength of culture they bring to our school is so rich!  I tried to learn Mandarin a few years back and enjoyed what I managed to attain phonetically.  I take my hat off to those who can read the Chinese alphabet though as this is both fascinating and complex.  One day I must get back to this learning as learning languages really expands the brain (which is beneficial at my age too)!

Recently, students have been delightedly telling staff how many days of the school year are left; I think we’re down to 18 now.  It’s quite staggering how fast this time of year flies by.  Teachers are busy multi-tasking, completing assessments and learning for 2022 and planning for 2023.

There are a few small syndicate changes for 2023 which I have detailed below.  You will have already read that Jon McCormick is off to teach overseas, so Bek Winter will move to Ngaru team to teach in Year 3-4. With smaller student numbers in Year 5-6 for 2023, Te Moana syndicate will go from 6 classes down to 5 classes, so Bek’s move also addresses this.  Our latest wonderful news is that Cherie Parker will be welcoming a “Baby Parker” into the world in March!  We are so delighted for Cherie and her husband Dave.  This means that Cherie will not take her own class at the start of the year, instead Cherie will do a little classroom release for the first 4 – 5 weeks. 

In addition, I have also won a term’s sabbatical for Term 3, 2023.  I hope to use this time to complete more papers for my Diploma in Psychology.  Sarah Chambers will fulfil the role of Principal for the 10 weeks I’m away.

Syndicate Structures for 2023:

Tātahi Year 0-2
Rachel McDowell – Team Leader
Cristie Gray
Jo Mackay
Laura Powell
Sandy Saunders
Sarah Smith

Te Moana Year 5-6
Vanessa Brewer – Team Leader
David Parr
Di Puati
Ginny Hawke
Hillary Houston

Ngaru Year 3-4
Vicki Howarth – Team Leader
Bek Winter
Jalah Davis
Kathryn Siversen
Tina Purdie and Rebecca Jackson

Te Motu Year 7-8
Cath Franks – Team Leader
Alice Graham
Caty Spencer
Colin Siversen
Larisa Mckenna
Teresa Robertson


Sharing good news spreads positivity, changes attitudes and ultimately leads to more people feeling encouraged and happy

Our Senior Debate Cup competition is underway.  I enjoyed watching/judging some of our senior teams in action yesterday and today, and I must say we are sending some incredibly talented kids off to college next year.  I was impressed by their ability to speak in front of an audience, the passion and confidence with which they spoke, and their ability to put forward a strong argument. The final, between Room 7 and Room 14, is on this Friday – Best of luck teams!

All the classes loved touring around the Innovation Showcase displays in rooms last week.  Staff and students were amazed and delighted with all the incredible inquiry projects.  This work definitely shows the CREST values of Curiosity, Excellence, and Team Work.  Ka pai tamariki ma!

告别 – Gàobié
Jess Ward
Tumuaki ~ Principa

Welcome to Our Recent New Students

There were no new students this week

PBS Aroha Fund

One thing our school community is rich in is KINDNESS. It’s something we work hard to promote amongst our students. When we know someone is in need we try to give some additional support because not everyone’s circumstances are the same. We do our best as a school to ensure every child has equal opportunities regardless of finance or personal circumstance. Our PBS AROHA fund was set up to enable our whole community to offer support to such families.

The PBS AROHA fund enables anyone in our school community, including businesses, to donate money to help those in our school community who find it hard to make ends meet. It also means that we can provide lunches when kids don’t have any.

If you would like to contribute to this fund you can find it in KINDO labelled PBS AROHA. You can contribute $5, $10 or $20 at any time during the year. If a local business wants to make a contribution they can contact Libby on

Please talk to the office or to me, if you would like to know more about our PBS AROHA fund. All discussions will be confidential.

Giving a little means a lot!

Kid's Quote

Principal:  “How was your debate?”

Senior Student:  “The opposition ate us up and left no crumbs!”

Out-of-Zone Applications - Terms 1 & 2 2023 For Years 0-4 Students

We are currently advertising again for Out of Zone Applications for Terms 1 and 2 2023 for the following:

5 places for Year 0-1 students
4 places for Year 2 students
7 places for Year 3 students
4 places for Year 4 students

Applications close on Monday, 28 November at 4pm and are available from the school office or by emailing

Using Māori Language at Home

It’s important for all Kiwi to learn te reo.  Each week our newsletter will include phrases that you might like to try out at your place.  After all, it will take the whole nation to keep this unique language alive.

The following phrases might be handy to add to your kete of knowledge in preparation for the barbeque season. 

Fire up the barby!    Whakakāngia te rorerore!

Pass me the ____ (oil, butter, salt and pepper, tongs)

Tēnā, homai te ____ (hinu, pata, tote me te pepa, pīnohi)

Kai is ready!   Kua rite te kai!

Yr 1 & 2 Lunchtime Disco - Fundraiser for 2023 Te Motu Camps

Come and Disco Groove!

This Friday, 25 November from 12:45pm to 1:30pm

 Tickets cost $5

(For that you get entry and a face painting and small chippies and an iceblock)

Buy tickets before Friday on Kindo or by putting your money with name and room number in the money box at the office

Te Motu Inter-School Athletics

On 9 November a team of 36 Te Motu students headed to the Kapiti Interschool Athletics competition, held at Paraparaumu Domain, having qualified through our syndicate athletics day. They had a fantastic day, giving everything their best possible effort, but also showing awesome sportsmanship and CREST values all day long.

PBS achieved some excellent results, including:

  • First placings in Year 8 Boys 100m, 200m, and Vortex (Fletcher Cooper)
  • Year 8 Girls Discus (Vienna McDowell)
  • Year 8 Girls Vortex (Alex Kenny-Schlupp)

and an outstanding effort in the four exciting relay races, with two firsts, a second and a third.  A total of 16 PBS students qualified for the Regional competition in December.

Mid-Week Munchies

Yummy, scrummy mid-week munchies is on this Wednesday.  Get yourself a morning tea treat from 50c – $2 each.

Student Work by Lian Scholtz

Thunder, thunder crashing trees, hitting people hiding from the rain in trees and houses

The bugs are under leaves pushed down streams hitting rocks left and right

Crash bang crack


Waterfall falling falling splash!

Recent Student Achievements

Dance:  Eloise Barber has successfully auditioned for the Scholars programme at the New Zealand School of Dance.  This is a wonderful opportunity for her and she is looking forward to training with other talented dance students selected from all over New Zealand.

Future Student Achievements

If your child has an achievement you would like us to share in our newsletter, then please send details (and a picture if you would like) to

Have You Checked Out Our Community Notices Directory?

Do you need to advertise your business, an upcoming event, need child care,  or looking for a gift or new club to join?  Check out the PBS Community Directory on our website

Below is an example of what you will find in the Childcare section:

Waikanae Community Emergency Hub

A Community Emergency Hub is a place for the community to gather and coordinate efforts to
help each other during and after a disaster. Come along and find out more about Waikanae
Community Emergency Hub and the types of help that may be needed after an emergency at our emergency response practice.  Have fun meeting together and practicing various volunteer roles with an interactive earthquake scenario.  Open to all ages and abilities, no experience needed!

For more information about Community Hubs and Emergency Response Practice visit:…/what-is-acommunity…/

Free refreshments provided