Newsletter 2022/31

Principal's Message

Kia ora and welcome to Term 4!

We have 9 weeks jam-packed with learning, trips, sporting opportunities and fun.  Let’s hope for some consistently great weather too. The next nine weeks will go fast so it is imperative that parents keep up-to-date with all school communications.  Please keep reading weekly newsletters, check Skool Loop communications (or Seesaw if you have a junior student) and always ask if you are unsure of something. 

Congratulations to our new board, which is a mix of prior and new members!  I look forward to working with Zoe Pearson, Kate Fiske, Rae Bolton, Sam Direen, Matt Hudson and new staff rep Rachel McDowell at our first meeting together next Tuesday.  PBS is a very fortunate school community, not only do we have parents willing to stand for our board, but we have people who bring a range of skills which add to the melting pot of success!  

This week a number of PBS students are competing at the Performing Arts Competitions Association of New Zealand event (PACANZ) being held in Palmerston North. All the best to those involved!


Sharing good news spreads positivity, changes attitudes and ultimately leads to more people feeling encouraged and happy

Our newly installed greeting signs on Gray Ave are creating lots of interest.  Kids and parents are stopping to read the signs, identify the languages they know and to just admire the brightly coloured artworks.  A huge THANK YOU to all the students and staff of Ngaru syndicate for all their work during Term 3 making these signs; Ka mau te wehi!

Jess Ward
Tumuaki ~ Principal

Welcome to Our Recent New Students

Aafryn – Rm 19
Alf – Rm 19
Harrison – Rm 19
Peyton – Rm 3
Indigo – Rm 10
Daniela – Rm 19
Jaden – Rm 8

Out of Zone Enrolments

The Board has determined that:

  • Up to 6 places are likely to be available for out of zone Year 0 students
  • Up to 5 places are likely to be available for out of zone Year 1 students
  • Up to 4 places are likely to be available for out of zone Year 2 students
  • Up to 7 places are likely to be available for out of zone Year 3 students
  • Up to 4 places are likely to be available for out of zone Year 4 students

starting school in Terms 1 and 2 2023.

The Board invites applications for these places. Applications are to be made on the “Application to Enrol” form available from the school office or by emailing

The deadline for receipt of applications for out of zone places is 4pm on Friday, 21 October 2022.

Book Fair

Come to our Book Fair running from Tuesday-Friday next week (Week 2) in Room 12.  EFTpos will be available.

This is a great opportunity to start your Christmas shopping!

Bucket Hats for Term 4

Just a reminder that Term 4 is a bucket hat term. With the arrival of warmer weather we want to ensure that our tamariki are safe when playing out in the sunshine.

Please send your child/ren to school with their bucket hats and remind them of their purpose.

Preparing for 2023 Classes

The process of putting class lists together for a new year is an extremely complex and time consuming task.  There are many variables to consider, for example; creating equal class sizes, ensuring a balance of student needs and abilities (e.g. social, behavioural, academic, medical) and making allowances for splitting siblings/cousins, and so on.

In smaller schools there may only be one class at each level and therefore no opportunity to group students in different ways.  In a school our size, whilst we do have the advantage of flexibility, the process takes time and consideration.  I can assure you that we act professionally and thoughtfully when placing students in classes.  We ask that parents are understanding and supportive of the complexities involved.  

Therefore, we prefer that parents do not submit requests unless there are exceptional circumstances.  If parents want us to consider any exceptional circumstances that their child has in regards to class placement, then the formal process must be followed.

  • Requests must specifically describe the exceptional circumstances around their child’s needs’
  • It is preferable that parents do not request a specific teacher by name 
  • Requests must be from the child’s parent/legal guardian
  • Request must be in writing to the Principal 
  • Requests must be received no later than our cut-off on Friday, 28 October.  Requests will not be accepted after this time.

Whilst we allow parents to submit these requests, we do ask in return, that the final decision on class placement (whether or not the request has been met) is both respected and promoted positively by parents to their child.

Thank you.

Kid's Quote

Senior student A: “What’s an encyclopedia?”

Senior student B: “Google in a book.”

Using Māori Language at Home

It’s important for all Kiwi to learn te reo.  Each week our newsletter will include phrases that you might like to try out at your place.  After all, it will take the whole nation to keep this unique language alive.

There has been a lot of discussion in recent years about which version of the days of the week should be taught. The ‘traditional’ Māori words of Rāhina, Rātu etc are not actually traditional but were created by The Māori Language Commission in the nineties, and don’t align with the Māori calendar year that follows the lunar phases. Here’s a link that explains it in greater detail (watch from 50 mins onwards). 

So in order to respect the Māori calendar at PBS we will transition to the transliteration days of the week: Mane, Tūrei, Wenerei, Tāite, Paraire, Hatarei, Rātapu. These were the names created by Māori, when the early ancestors arrived, to correlate with the English days of the week.

  • Mane = Monday
  • Tūrei = Tuesday
  • Wenerei = Wednesday
  • Tāite = Thursday
  • Paraire = Friday
  • Hāterei = Saturday
  • Rātapu = Sunday

Recent Student Achievements

Basketball:   Fletcher, Keegan and Lewis represented the Kapiti Basketball Association at the recent AON U13’s Central Region Tournament.  Congratulations to the A Team!  Fletcher was a key player in their success.

Lewis and Keegan represented the B Team; Lewis was also the Team Captain.  This was the first time the B team had played together, and their enthusiasm and team work was fantastic.

Future Student Achievements

If your child has an achievement you would like us to share in our newsletter, then please send details (and a picture if you would like) to

Paraparaumu Beach School Board Outstanding Achiever Award

Dear Parents

The Paraparaumu Beach School Board is now seeking nominations for this year’s Outstanding Achiever Award. 

The purpose of this award is to acknowledge students who have achieved at a very high level, and to promote these students as role models throughout our school community in a manner that reflects and incorporates our school CREST values. We encourage nominations from Years 4-8 students.

This award is made annually to students who attend the school and who during the previous 12 months have made an outstanding contribution (in-school or out-of-school) in areas of academic, cultural, sports, community service or other activities. Paraparaumu Beach School Board is keen to promote high achievement in a positive manner. 

Please click the link OAA 2022 to upload the nomination form and further supporting information on this award.  Nominations close Friday, 4 November.

Calling all Cookie Lovers!!!!

This Sunday, 23 October is the cut-off date for selling frozen cookie dough. This is a fundraiser for the Te Motu Camp in 2023.

If you would like to buy some frozen cookie dough (very similar to Subway cookies) you can do so by reaching out to a current Year 6 or 7 student and asking for their fundraising link. Alternatively you can visit and search for a student to purchase from. All profits made come off the individual student’s camp fee.

Delivery of the cookies will be on 10 November. The person you order your cookie dough from will be in touch to arrange delivery or pick up with you directly.

Mid-Week Munchies

Yummy, scrummy mid-week munchies start next Wednesday (25 October).  Get yourself a morning tea treat from 50c – $2 each.

School Payments

Please remember there is no Eftpos available at the school office.  Payments are able to be made via your Kindo account or with the correct cash at the office.  Thank you.

Get Ready to Shake Out

Get ready for the National Earthquake Drill and Tsunami Hikoi on 27 October and take part in the Kid’s Challenge below.  Here is the link if you wish to print it out ShakeOut 2022 – Kid’s Challenge

Touch Rugby Season

The touch rugby season will be under way next Tuesday (25 October). You should have heard from your coach by now. If you have not, please let me know and I will check the correct details have been passed on.  Email

Term 3 Softball Tournament

Year 5 to 8 Softball players thoroughly enjoyed their tournament in the last week of Term 3 at Te Atiawa Park.

Congratulations to all the athletes who participated and a HUGE thank you to whānau who came and managed the teams. We could not have had such a great day without your help and positivity!

A special congratulations to the Year 5/6 PBS Catchers who placed 3rd overall. Well done to Kyra in Room 2 who was awarded ‘MVP’ of the competition, winning movie tickets. Joy (Room 2), Isla K (Room 3) and Angus (Room 15) were awarded ‘All Star of the Week’ prizes of a swimming pool pass.

Have You Checked Out Our Community Notices Directory?

Do you need to advertise your business, an upcoming event, need child care,  or looking for a gift or new club to join?  Check out the PBS Community Directory on our website

Below is an example of what you will find in the Community section: