Newsletter 2022/30

Principal's Message

Kia ora koutou

I live with anxiety and am not embarrassed to tell you that. This week is Mental Health Awareness week and I share my own personal status with you because mental health should not be a taboo subject. A decade ago I would never have talked about this because I felt my anxiety was a weakness, I felt people would think less of me, even judge me. The fact is that my brain releases chemicals differently to others.

I believe my anxiety started in childhood but it wasn’t until my mid twenties that it really became obvious to me. I spent the next 20 years feeling this was something to hide because I thought people would think differently of me. How sad that fact is. It wasn’t until the likes of Sir John Kirwan spoke out that I started to feel a sense of relief and personal understanding. With help, support of loved ones and personal awareness, living with anxiety doesn’t stop me leading a normal and full life.

If you or any of your loved ones are living with depression or anxiety, find someone to talk to. I promise you that you will find very understanding people out there.

Board News:

Tonight is our last meeting with the current Board. We will not know the results of our election until this Friday (as we need to wait on any postal votes – post dated Friday, 23 September). Therefore, I would like to take this opportunity to thank our wonderful team from the past 3-6 years of Zoe Pearson, Pem Chambers (6 years), Jim Dryburgh, Kate Fiske and Lisa Patterson. The staff and I also wish to thank our incredible staff rep, Cath Franks, who is stepping down after 12 years of service!

Furthermore, I wish to acknowledge and show gratitude for the 5 years of service the late Kate Saunders gave to the Board before passing away last year. Kate served with a warm heart and compassion.

Together, this team of people developed a robust strategic plan, set and achieved goals, asked deep questions, consulted with parents/staff/students, added new dimensions to meetings and have been generous with their time and energies. To me this board has been the epitome of TEAMWORK. I thank them for all they have contributed to enhance PBS for us all.


Sharing good news spreads positivity, changes attitudes and ultimately leads to more people feeling encouraged and happy

Spring is here! Check out these stunning daffodil artworks below from students in Room 5; they are so real I could smell them.

Jess Ward
Tumuaki ~ Principal

Welcome to Our Recent New Students

Welcome to Miziah and Mia-Bella starting in Rms 1 and 9 tomorrow

Te Motu Annual Speech Cup Final

Congratulations to all 11 Te Motu students who made it through to the Annual Speech Cup Final held last Friday. The standard of speeches was extremely high this year so the competition was tough. All speakers should be very proud of their achievements.

Congratulations to Alex Kenny-Schlup, Bailey Hunt and Isobella Marshall for achieving Highly Commended.

Extremely well done to two very well-deserving recipients who will share the Speech Cup this year – Benjamin Ross and Eva Thorn.

PBS Book Week is Here

There will be lots of fun activities throughout the week, including a teacher swap – book reading session, book themed window display competition and a Book Character dress up day on Friday.  Special thanks to Vicki Howarth and the organising team for making this celebration of reading possible.

Driver Behaviour

Last week we had to make a police complaint about driver behaviour on Gray Ave. Fortunately no-one was physically hurt but it was close. A thoughtful school parent had stopped their car at the zebra crossing to let a child cross the road (before the road patrol team were on duty). Shockingly another driver, travelling at speed, overtook this stationary vehicle and nearly hit the child who was halfway across the road. Thankfully the school parent, in the stationary vehicle, was quick to bang on her horn which stopped the child in their tracks. The police have since been able to locate this driver/vehicle.

Whilst incidents like this serve as a timely reminder to all road users to take extra care around schools, it should be an absolute given that extra caution is needed when driving around schools and zebra crossings.

Lockdown Practice

Our Lockdown/Shelter in Place drill went very well last Thursday. Practising procedures for lockdown and ‘shelter in place’ scenarios enable the school staff to check and review the measures we have planned.

Using Māori Language at Home

It’s important for all Kiwi to learn te reo.  Each week our newsletter will include phrases that you might like to try out at your place.  After all, it will take the whole nation to keep this unique language alive.

Waiata are a great way to learn te reo Māori wherever you are on your reo journey. PBS students sing a variety of waiata from the well known traditional ones such as Tutira Mai to more modern ones that they are learning with our Waiata Māori tutor Matenga Baker. On September 2, 20 new waiata were released marking Waiata Anthems 2022. The purpose of Waiata Anthems is “to inspire and excite the nation, providing greater access to the language and culture for all New Zealanders.” Click on the link below to listen to the playlist and learn more about this kaupapa.

Bucket Hats for Term 4

Just a reminder that Term 4 is a bucket hat term. With the arrival of warmer weather we want to ensure that our tamariki are safe when playing out in the sunshine. Please have a hunt over the holidays for your child/ren’s bucket hats in preparation for the start of next term.

Preparing for 2023 Classes

The process of putting class lists together for a new year is an extremely complex and time consuming task. There are many variables to consider, for example; creating equal class sizes, ensuring a balance of student needs and abilities (e.g. social, behavioural, academic, medical) and making allowances for splitting siblings/cousins, and so on.

In smaller schools there may only be one class at each level and therefore no opportunity to group students in different ways. In a school our size, whilst we do have the advantage of flexibility, the process takes time and consideration. I can assure you that we act professionally and thoughtfully when placing students in classes. We ask that parents are understanding and supportive of the complexities involved.

Therefore, we prefer that parents do not submit requests unless there are exceptional circumstances. If parents want us to consider any exceptional circumstances that their child has in regards to class placement, then the formal process must be followed.

  • Requests must specifically describe the exceptional circumstances around their child’s needs
  • It is preferable that parents do not request a specific teacher by name
  • Requests must be from the child’s parent/legal guardian
  • Request must be in writing to the Principal
  • Requests must be received no later than our cut-off on Friday, 28 October. Requests will not be accepted after this time

Whilst we allow parents to submit these requests, we do ask in return, that the final decision on class placement (whether or not the request has been met) is both respected and promoted positively by parents to their child.

Thank you.

@School App

Bike Helmets Wanted

Do you have any unused kids bike helmets (in good condition) at home that you’re willing to donate to the school?  Please drop any items into the school office.  Thanks a million in advance.

Thank you for the helmets we have received so far 🙂

Kid's Quote

One of our students is taking an overseas trip soon.  

A staff member asked “Which country are you going to?”  

The response was “All of them!”

School Photos

Don’t forget you can order your child’s photos online (instructions on the order envelope) or by returning the payment envelope with correct cash included to school by the closing date of 18 October.

DSLR Camera Wanted

Do you have a DSLR camera lying around unused? The school and PBSTV would love to take it off your hands! We are particularly interested in any DSLR camera that can shoot video. This equipment would enable us to take the next step beyond camcorder footage.  Any unwanted photo/video equipment donations would be gratefully received and used by the school.

Donations can be dropped into the office or email Mr Parr ( to discuss this further.

Yummy Stickers

Thank you for all of the yummy stickers that have been sent in.  We have sent off all our sticker sheets now for this year 🙂

Recent Student Achievements

Rugby:  Congratulations to Fletcher Cooper who trialled for the Wellington Under14 Rugby Sevens over the weekend and made the team.  He will travel to Florida in April next year to compete in an international competition!

Recent Student Achievements

Tennis:  Congratulations to Josh Crabb who came first in the Manawatu Tennis Tournament over the weekend.

Good Luck

Good luck to Harrison Stratford who is competing in the NZ National Cross Country Competition in Nelson later this week 🙂

Future Student Achievements

If your child has an achievement you would like us to share in our newsletter, then please send details (and a picture if you would like) to

Have You Checked Out Our Community Notices Directory?

Do you need to advertise your business, an upcoming event, need child care,  or looking for a gift or new club to join?  Check out the PBS Community Directory on our website

Below is an example of what you will find in the Community section:

Place your lunch order EARLY and go in to WIN!

All orders placed before 8pm on Thursday 29th September (for delivery Friday 30th September) will be in the draw to win the value of their lunch back. Easy!

Three lucky students will WIN!