Newsletter 2022/14

Principal's Message

Kia Ora parents, caregivers and whānau

Pink Shirt Day on Friday was really well supported by staff and students.  The stormy weather didn’t stop us from dressing up and showing that bullying is not ok.  Sadly, there are bullies in society, in schools, on social media, in workplaces, even within family dynamics.  

The point of Pink Shirt Day’s anti-bullying message is to stand together against this sort of behaviour; to show that friendship is more powerful and beneficial.

Adults and children who bully others do so to gain power and control, as that is often what they lack in life.  They feel marginalised, weak or powerless in some way.  They believe that popularity, strength and mana can be gained by bullying others, and they are blind to the fact that everyone else can see their desperation to fit in, be liked, or be regarded as top-dog.  

By standing united against bullying we can show bullies that this is not the way.  We need to teach bullies the power of friendship, unity and empathy.  From a young age kids need to know that it’s okay to feel the emotions of anger, upset and jealousy, but it is not okay to take those emotions out on others.  As we grow up we learn to manage our emotions and understand why we are feeling a certain way.  As adults it’s easy to look on and see the emotions kids are feeling in certain situations, but kids need the help of adults to make the connections between what they are feeling and their actions.  Talking to your child about ‘big emotions’ is important for their development, especially if you suspect your child is bullying others.

Another thing parents can do is to help their child/children have empathy for others.  Considering how it feels to be someone else in a sad/bad situation.  How does that person feel?  What can we do to help that person feel better? When you can see a situation or issue from the perspective of someone else – you can begin to develop and show empathy.  

Empathy and kindness are the building blocks of a healthy society and a happy life – let’s continue to strengthen our PBS kids on this path!

Some key dates for your Term 2 diary include:

  • Mon 6 June – SCHOOL CLOSED for  Queen’s Birthday (Nationwide holiday)
  • Tues 7 June – SCHOOL CLOSED for Staff Only day
  • Wed 8 June – Interschool Cross Country event
  • Wed 22 June – School celebration of Matariki – day time and evening events at school
  • Fri 24 June – SCHOOL CLOSED for Matariki (Nationwide holiday)


Sharing good news spreads positivity, changes attitudes and ultimately leads to more people feeling encouraged and happy

See photos below from our awesome Pink Shirt Day last week 🙂

Ngā mihi nui
Jess Ward
Tumuaki ~ Principal

Welcome to Our Recent New Students

Haylee – Rm 22
Talan – Rm 23

Board Elections - September 2022

The three-yearly school Board elections will be held in September. As we get closer to the election date, we will provide information and updates about the election process and how you can participate. We also hope to offer opportunities for you to speak with current Board members about the role. Please start thinking about whether you are interested in contributing to the governance of PBS – I can certainly vouch for how rewarding the role is and what a privilege it is to be part of a strong and supportive team.

If you want to learn more why not join us for our next Board meeting on 31 May (7pm in the school staffroom) – sit with a cuppa and watch what’s involved.

Ngā mihi,
Board Chair

NB: If you’d like to know more about the role of the Board, there is useful information on the New Zealand School Trustees Association (NZSTA) website at

Using Māori Language at Home

It’s important for all Kiwi to learn te reo.  Each week our newsletter will include phrases that you might like to try out at your place.  After all, it will take the whole nation to keep this unique language alive.

Here’s a few compliments you could try at home:

He tino pai tō mahi = You’ve done a good job
Ka mau te wehi = That’s amazing
He ātaahua hoki koe = You look beautiful/handsome
Koia kei a koe = You’re the best

From the Student Council

Ngā mihi nui e te PBS whānau! Thank you everyone for your support of this week’s kindness kaupapa. The effort that went into Pink Shirt Day was awesome, ka mau te wehi!

Spotlight News


This links to the school calendar.

Kid's Quote

Two young students walked past me in the playground. One told me with delight “We’re cousins because our cousins are cousin’s cousins!”

Could You Draw the Matariki Cluster?

Meet this week’s Matariki Competition winners! Nikora, Charlie, Shylah,  Lily and Olive. Indigo and Zac were also winners.  This week’s challenge was to draw the cluster of stars named Matariki. What talented artists we have in this school! 

The Matariki cluster of stars represents the beginning of the Māori New Year. It is a time when friends and whanau come together to reflect on the past, celebrate the present and plan for the future.  We hope that you will be able to celebrate with us on 22 June with our kura from 5.00 p.m.

Road Safety at PBS

With the burst of wintery weather last week it is timely to remind all families about our traffic and parking regulations.  At peak times, roads around the school become very congested. Please help us keep our students and pedestrians safe by reading the following information carefully.  Thank you for your support with this. 

Yellow lines 

Yellow dotted lines around the school gates and pedestrian crossing signify “NO STOPPING” at any time, even to drop off/pick up your child(ren) or waiting for a carpark. Doing so can cause an unsafe situation. Police randomly monitor school traffic and may issue an infringement notice for the offence. 

Drop-off Area

School drop off zones require a quick turnaround and are designed for people to stop, drop off/pick up and go. Parking is not allowed in these areas. If there are no spaces, please move on, as stopping to wait for a space causes congestion at the pedestrian crossing.  Children should exit from the left-hand side passenger door and be ready to get straight out of the car and onto the footpath.


The clearways along Gray Ave operate between 8.30am until 9.30am and 2.30pm until 3.30pm.  These are in place to allow traffic to move in both directions when there is congested parking on the other side of the road to the clearway.  Parking in these areas is illegal and vehicles that do so, during the times indicated, cause an unsafe situation and are at risk of being towed away.


The PTA is holding their Annual General Meeting on Wednesday, 1 June 2022 at 7.00pm in the School Staffroom

We welcome all new members to join our small but amazing PTA.


Future Student Achievements

If your child has an achievement you would like us to share in our newsletter, then please send details (and a picture if you would like) to

Support Paraparaumu Beach School and Purchase Your Entertainment Membership From Us Today!!

Advertise in our Community Directory

Do you have a business and want to support PBS through advertising?

Check out the Community Directory on our website  You can advertise your business here for a small contribution.  Businesses can list their services, events and opportunities all here for others in our large school community to see and access.  This helps us support local businesses, encouraging PBS parents to support your business, and keeps all listings in one easy to find spot. Below are a few screen shots of what you can find. Click on a listing and explore the content!