Newsletter 2022/12

Principal's Message

Kia Ora parents, caregivers and whānau

I’m starting this newsletter with a thank you!  The Board wishes me to pass on a big thank you to those who have paid their family donation already this year.  Just over a third of our community have done so thus far and we wanted to let you know how much we appreciate this contribution.  Operating a school is financially harder and harder these days, as costs for everything (just like groceries) always seem to be rising. So thank you for helping us deliver the best at PBS.

If you read lots of books with your child you’ve probably come across the ‘Aroha’s Way’ series by Rebekah Lipp and Craig Phillips.  We have all the books in this wonderful NZ series in our school library.  All the books deal with understanding and managing emotions, which is highly important in any stage of a child’s life.  There are about eight books published so far and all are a rich resource.   The latest book “Finding My Calm” offers some good techniques for kids and Principals alike! No, I don’t work for the publisher – but I know children need to understand and be able to talk about their emotions.  Understanding what it is you’re feeling is the first step in being able to manage and regulate your emotions. These books also align really well with the Zones of Regulation.

Some other key dates for your Term 2 diary include:

  • Fri 20 May – Pink Shirt day  (Part of Bully Free NZ Week)
  • Mon 6 June – SCHOOL CLOSED for  Queen’s Birthday (Nationwide holiday)
  • Tues 7 June – SCHOOL CLOSED for Staff Only day
  • Wed 8 June – Interschool Cross Country event
  • Wed 22 June – School celebration of Matariki – day time and evening events at school
  • Fri 24 June – SCHOOL CLOSED for Matariki (Nationwide holiday)


Sharing good news spreads positivity, changes attitudes and ultimately leads to more people feeling encouraged and happy

Whilst helmets for scootering and skateboarding are not compulsory we highly recommend that kids wear them – just like they would on a bike.   It’s wonderful to see increasing numbers of PBS parents thinking the same way.  As I stood on gate duty this morning it was super to see the number of kids arriving with scooters/skateboards wearing helmets.  Way to protect your Noggin!

Ngā mihi nui
Jess Ward
Tumuaki ~ Principalalso

Welcome to Our Recent New Students

Indi – Rm 23
Aleah – Rm 23
Talya – Rm 22

Advertise in our Community Directory

Do you have a business and want to support PBS through advertising?

Check out the Community Directory on our website  You can advertise your business here for a small contribution.  Businesses can list their services, events and opportunities all here for others in our large school community to see and access.  This helps us support local businesses, encouraging PBS parents to support your business, and keeps all listings in one easy to find spot. Below are a few screen shots of what you can find. Click on a listing and explore the content!




Board Elections - September 2022

The three-yearly school Board elections will be held in September. As we get closer to the election date, we will provide information and updates about the election process and how you can participate. We also hope to offer opportunities for you to speak with current Board members about the role. Please start thinking about whether you are interested in contributing to the governance of PBS – I can certainly vouch for how rewarding the role is and what a privilege it is to be part of a strong and supportive team.

If you want to learn more, why not join us for our next Board meeting on 31 May (7pm in the school staffroom) – sit with a cuppa and watch what’s involved.

Ngā mihi,
Board Chair

NB: If you’d like to know more about the role of the Board, there is useful information on the New Zealand School Trustees Association (NZSTA) website at

School Enrolment Scheme - Terms 3 & 4 New Entrant 5 Year Olds

If you have any children due to start school soon that you have not let us know about, or if you have friends or neighbours who don’t currently have a child at PBS, but may be hoping to enrol a new entrant child here in Terms 3 or 4, please ask them to contact our school office asap. Thank you.

‘Out of Zone’ applications for Terms 3 and 4 new entrants will be advertised in the Kapiti Observer on Thursday, 12 May and applications close on Monday, 30 May.

Covid Update

No updates at this time.

Student Work

I love seeing examples of student progress in literacy, as students begin to correlate letter-sounds and spelling patterns.  The power of being able to record your ideas for yourself and others to read is so significant.  Frankie’s work below is just one example of young mind’s at work.  What a lucky dog she has too!

Using Māori Language at Home

It’s important for all Kiwi to learn te reo.  Each week our newsletter will include phrases that you might like to try out at your place.  After all, it will take the whole nation to keep this unique language alive.

Kua = has/have
Kua kai koe i tēnei rā? Have you eaten today?
Āe, kua kai au. Yes, I have eaten.
Kāore anō. Not yet.

From the Student Council

Bully Free NZ week is next week!

Kia ora PBS Whānau! Bullying-Free New Zealand Week is being held from 16-20 May in conjunction with Pink Shirt Day, on Friday, May 20. The theme for the week is: He kōtuinga mahi iti, he hua pai-ā rau: Small ripples create big waves. For us at PBS it’s all about KINDNESS. We’ve got plans for each day of the week to support this kaupapa. How much pink gear can you wear next Friday?


Spotlight News

What is in the App?  Years 4 – 8

This is a great space for sharing whole class and individual posts of learning and activities. Students can upload photos and write for their Blog, as well as the teachers. (It’s a bit like seesaw)

The great thing about the Blog is it celebrates all learning not just Reading, Writing and Mathematics.

You can also comment as the parent. Click on the icon that looks like this. The kids love to hear your positive thoughts on their school events and learning.

Kid's Quote

An astute 10 year old told me  “My favourite subject is Art because when I’m doing Art I can never be wrong.”

Matariki Whānau Celebration

We are excited to advise that organisation is underway to prepare for a fabulous evening. We hope to take you all on a journey by following the 9 stars of Matariki. To ensure this is a successful evening for all our tamariki, we will be requiring whānau support. This includes preparing kai, manning different stations and helping to set up. A newsletter will be coming home soon with further details and all the various tasks required. If you are able to help with any of these tasks, please return the newsletter with the appropriate boxes ticked and your contact details. We’d love your support to ensure your tamariki have a very memorable evening. 

We are currently applying for some community grants but the process is taking some time. We are needing some help with donations from businesses to help with some of the extra costs. If your business donates to this project, we will ensure it is acknowledged in our school newsletter and your business logo is displayed at this school event. If your business can help or if you have some contacts that could help with paint, kai or lighting, please contact Hillary Houston at as soon as possible.

Measuring & Estimating Skills

Rooms 1 & 2 have been honing in on their measuring and estimating skills.  Maths minds at work – keep up the super mahi!


The PTA is holding their Annual General Meeting on Wednesday, 1 June 2022 at 7.00pm in the School Staffroom.

We welcome all new members to join our small but amazing PTA.

Yr 6 & 7 Students on Camp in 2023

This is a reminder that there is a meeting in Room 14 next Thursday, 19 May for any parents and caregivers of current Year 6 & 7 students who are interested in helping with fundraising for camps in March 2023. 

This is not a meeting to give details about camp.  If you can not make it to the meeting, please send your name, phone and email details to Alice Graham –

Hope to see you there!


The 2022 season is now well underway for all of our 10 teams. The Year 5 – 8 teams started their first games of the season last Saturday. It was so much fun to watch our netballers learning new skills, working together and enjoying the game of netball. 

Thank you so much to all the volunteers who have dedicated their time to helping our akonga to grow in this sport. Without their support, our teams would not be able to play. Thank you to Debbie Marryatt, Silla Mulitalo, Kelly Tucker and Courtney Thomson for taking on the Year 5 – 8 teams. 

A big shout out to our school P.T.A who raised $9,000 to purchase new netball uniforms for our school teams. We are so proud of our new uniforms as they look fantastic on the athletes. The teams were extremely happy that we have changed to tops and shorts. We hope this will help to encourage more players, both boys and girls to play in the future, as we had found one of the barriers to playing was the uniforms. 

Check out the awesome Acers and Blazers’ teams for 2022.

Future Student Achievements

If your child has an achievement you would like us to share in our newsletter, then please send details (and a picture if you would like) to