Newsletter 2022/10

Principal's Message

Kia Ora parents, caregivers and whānau

Term 1 ends this Thursday at 3pm. It’s been a long term, but we have tried to make it as calm and positive as possible. There have naturally been ups and downs with cases of Covid and people away isolating, but we have remained vigilant and shown resilience. This seems to be a hallmark of our school community and that doesn’t happen by chance. It happens because we are a team, we know this pandemic is not easy on anyone. We’ve all had to adapt to new rules and routines and simply make the best of it.

Thank you to my amazing staff for their incredible energy and efforts, our Board for their ongoing support and our parent community for their understanding and aroha. Your support has given us so much strength. Our relieving teachers have also shown dedication and a willingness to go the extra mile to step in at short notice.

I also want to make special mention of our students, who have accepted that Covid is part of the world with quite a lot of maturity. They have grown in resilience and accepted the fact that some days they might have a relieving teacher or that friends and classmates will be off school. I am proud of how well they have adapted to the changing circumstances.


Sharing good news spreads positivity, changes attitudes and ultimately leads to more people feeling encouraged and happy

The whole school had fun using all the play equipment on the WAKA KORI play trailer.  This play trailer is organised through KCDC and can be hired out to schools free of charge. The aim of the Waka Kori play trailer is “to remind us that play is super important for our tamariki’s physical and mental health”.  Below are just a few photos of kids at play.  I even tried out the stilts, but it seems my balance has gone down hill with age!

Enjoy your Easter weekend.
Take care and we will see you in Term 2!

Jess Ward
Tumuaki ~ Principal

Welcome to Our Recent New Students

Frankie – Rm 22

Advertise in our Community Directory

Have you checked out our community directory yet?  PBS has launched an online community directory for the Kapiti Coast.

In the directory is an online user-maintained list of businesses, events and opportunities in the Kapiti area including job advertisements.

To view the new community directory click here and for instructions on how to advertise, please click here

From the Board

Kia ora PBS whānau

It is a little hard to believe that we’re already at the end of Term 1, isn’t it – although in other ways it has felt like a long term.

On behalf of the Board, I want to thank our hard working principal and staff and acknowledge their efforts to help the students have an enjoyable term of learning, despite the challenges that we all face on a daily basis. Our thanks too, to you, our PBS community, for all your support, and for helping your terrific tamariki to do their best to keep themselves and others well and safe.

This term the Board has reviewed PBS student achievement for the past year. There is much to celebrate, in the areas of reading and writing in particular, and areas where the staff are already concentrating further work, resources and undertaking professional development. The Board has also considered the results of the parent survey from late 2021. Once the staff and student surveys are complete, we will have a strong set of feedback to reflect on and highlight areas for further work. Thank you to all who took the time to complete the survey, it is much appreciated.

Finally, I just wanted to highlight that the three-yearly school Board elections will be held in September. As we get closer to the election date, we will provide information and updates about the election process and how you can participate. We also hope to offer opportunities for you to speak with current Board members about the role. Please start thinking about whether you are interested in contributing to the governance of Paraparaumu Beach Sschool – I can certainly vouch for how rewarding the role is and what a privilege it is to be part of a strong and supportive team.

Enjoy the holidays everyone.
Ngā mihi
Zoe – Board Chair

NB: If you’d like to know more about the role of the Board, there is useful information on the New Zealand School Trustees Association (NZSTA) website at

Cultural Signage - Keep the Ideas Coming

One of the things we wish to create is multicultural signage at the Gray Avenue entrance to our school .  We would love to hear your ideas for what these welcome messages should say.   

So far I have received messages in Afrikaans, Slovak, Bulgarian and Indian -thank you!  Keep the ideas coming, as I know we have students from many other cultural backgrounds at PBS. Therefore, if your child or family identifies with a cultural background from another country or ethnicity please give us ideas, in your own language, for the welcome messages we could display.  Follow this Google link to send us your thoughts. 

Thanks in advance for your valued input.

Covid Update

When we return for Term 2 it is highly likely we will still be in the RED setting.  However, in case we have moved to Orange please familiarize yourselves with the table below.  Thank you

Student Work

Room 5 students have been busy creating artwork based on the fabulous work of Russian Artist, Kandinsky.  I think you’ll agree these colourful pieces bring a fun and positive vibe.

Using Māori Language at Home

It’s important for all Kiwi to learn te reo.  Each week our newsletter will include phrases that you might like to try out at your place.  After all, it will take the whole nation to keep this unique language alive.

Ake adds to an adjective e.g.
Pai = good Pai ake = better
Tere = fast Tere ake = faster

He reka ake tēnei keke i tēnā. This cake is yummier than that one.
Credit: Paora Trim

Spotlight News

What is in the App? Years 4 – 8

This is where a lot of the ‘magic’ takes place. Your child will have assigned learning objectives to work towards. This may be an independent learning activity, a group task or the whole class working together.

Students can upload examples of their learning in a variety of ways, such as video recordings, photos, google docs etc. 

When the teacher has seen that your child has achieved success at the assigned goals they will mark them as achieved.

Some goals take a short time and some can take a whole year depending on the tasks.

The Dashboard will look different for each student as the goals/WALTs are usually personalised to the needs of the student. 

Teacher comments can be seen in the dashboard.

Kid's Quote

According to one young fellow, our Medical Room now has a new name….

“That’s the ice pack room”.

School Enrolment Scheme - Terms 3 & 4 New Entrant 5 Year Olds

If you have any children due to start school soon that you have not let us know about, or if you have friends or neighbours who don’t currently have a child at PBS, but may be hoping to enrol a new entrant child here in Terms 3 or 4, please ask them to contact our school office asap. Thank you.

‘Out of Zone’ applications for Terms 3 and 4 new entrants will be advertised in the Kapiti Observer on Thursday, 12 May.

Lost Property

Lost property will be on display on fine days by the netball courts until end of term. Anything unnamed or unclaimed will be sent to the Koha shed.  Otherwise please check in the lost property room.

Recent Student Achievements

Wakeboarding:  Theo and Mila competed in the National Wakeboarding Championships over the weekend of 1/2 April.  Theo placed 4th in the 8 & Under Boys Division and Mila came 2nd in the Under 15 Girls.  Well done!

Future Student Achievements

If your child has an achievement you would like us to share in our newsletter, then please send details (and a picture if you would like) to

Claim Your School Donation Tax Rebates in myKindo This year

When you make your school donations to Paraparaumu Beach School in myKindo for 2022, you’ll see the option to opt-in to Supergenerous when you pay.

Kindo and Supergenerous work together to lodge your donation rebate claim with the IRD. They do all the hard work for you and give you the option to re-gift your 33% tax rebate to our school as a new donation. It’s an awesome way to make your donation go further.