Newsletter 2021/29

Principal's Message

Tena Koutou

It’s Māori Language week! I am heartened that over time more and more people are able to pronounce PARAPARAUMU correctly. It doesn’t take a lot of effort and it really rolls off the tongue beautifully when you get it right. Let’s band together to help everyone say the name of our home correctly. Sonny Ngatai’s video on Stuff today is a good place to start if you need help with pronunciation.

It’s great to be back at school with all our students and staff; the school never feels quite the same when its grounds are empty. Thankfully our lockdown wasn’t too long. As an educator I feel very sorry for schools and parents in Auckland; they are doing the hard yards and I hope they can be back to normal soon.

Thank you again to our parent community for helping kids learn from home. Teachers noted that the majority of our students were engaged in learning programmes throughout Levels 4 and 3. I know that managing student learning, whilst working from home and organising a household can cause stress.  However, the way our students have bounced back from this is a reflection of the incredible aroha and support they have received at home.

Keep up the superb job of  following the Alert Level 2 rules at PBS. You’re role modelling sensible behaviours and attitudes for our students to see. It’s great to see parents leaving kids at the gate and keeping off the school site wherever possible. Thank you as this helps us maintain a sense of calm. We will survey parents once we’re back at Level 1 to gather your feedback on how you think PBS have managed this Covid lockdown and changing alert levels.

Before I sign off this newsletter I want to tell you about an opportunity for free parent education called Parenting Summit 21! Spectrum Education offer lots of wonderful professional courses for teachers, which are highly valuable. Now they are offering a free parent education opportunity with 24 speakers over three days. It’s all online so you can dip in and out of talks providing practical tips and ideas to help you and your child/ren to be resilient, confident and independent. Just follow this link to learn more:

Jess Ward – Tumuaki ~ Principal

Welcome to Our Recent New Students

Sam – Rm 20
Micah – Rm 20

Five Ways to Wellbeing

Wellbeing is important everyday, but even more so in challenging times. A healthy wellbeing doesn’t mean that you feel the highs of happiness 7/24, it simply means “feeling good and functioning well”. In kids-speak “Feeling good, feeling that things are going well, and feeling able to get on with daily tasks.”

At PBS aspects such as growth mindset, goal planning, strategies for regulating emotions, defining the labels for different emotions and restorative practices help teachers to foster wellbeing. Below are some ideas from which parents and teachers can use to promote positive wellbeing.

Connect, me whakawhanaunga
With the people around you. With family, friends, colleagues and neighbours. At home, work, school or in your local community. Think of these as the cornerstones of your life and invest time in developing them. Building these connections will support and enrich you every day.

Be Active, me kori tonu
Go for a walk or run. Step outside. Cycle. Play a game. Garden. Dance. Exercising makes you feel good. Most importantly, discover a physical activity you enjoy and that suits your level of mobility and fitness.

Take Notice, me aro tonu
Be curious. Catch sight of the beautiful. Remark on the unusual. Notice the changing seasons. Savour the moment, whether you are walking to work, eating lunch or talking to friends. Be aware of the world around you and what you are feeling. Reflecting on your experiences will help you appreciate what matters to you.

Keep Learning, me ako tonu
Try something new. Rediscover an old interest. Sign up for that course. Take on a different responsibility at work. Fix a bike. Learn to play an instrument or how to cook your favourite food. Learn te reo. Set a challenge you will enjoy achieving. Learning new things will make you more confident as well as being fun.

Give, tukua
Do something nice for a friend, or a stranger. Thank someone. Smile. Volunteer your time. Join a community group. Look out, as well as in. Seeing yourself, and your happiness, linked to the wider community can be incredibly rewarding and creates connections with the people around you.

So there you have it… The Five Ways to Wellbeing! They’re not a magic elixir that can wipe away our worries in an instant – but doing them frequently can, over time, lift our mood.

Using Māori Language at Home

It’s important for all Kiwi to learn te reo. Each week our newsletter will include phrases that you might like to try out at your place. After all, it will take the whole nation to keep this unique language alive.

Were Your Ears Burning?

Staff Gratitude Section

Thanks to Sarah Chambers and Vicki Wilson for all their work and support of ‘the boss’ during the changing Alert Levels. Team work makes the dream work!

Kid's Quote

One of our cheeky kids caught my eye in the playground and with a big smile said:

“Look at Ms ward walking around like she owns the place… oh ha! She does!”

Enrolments for Paraparaumu College 2022

Is your child in Year 8 this year? Have you enrolled them in college?

Due to lockdown Craig Stead from Paraparaumu College hasn’t been able to visit our Year 8s as usual, but he has let me know that families can enrol online for 2022. Here’s the link to the enrolment information: Parents can click on the link to on line enrolments.

Getting your enrolments in now will enable the College to plan ahead.

Thanks in advance.

Board Outstanding Achiever Award

The Board is now seeking nominations for this year’s Outstanding Achiever Award.

The purpose of this award is to acknowledge students who have achieved at a very high level, and to promote these students as role models throughout our school community in a manner that reflects and incorporates our school CREST values. We encourage nominations from Years 4-8 students.

This award is made annually to students who attend the school and who during the previous 12 months have made an outstanding contribution (in-school or out-of-school) in areas of academic, cultural, sports, community service or other activities.

You can download the PDF nomination form and further information here OAA 2021 to nominate your child or another PBS student. Copies are also available from the school office.

The nomination closing date is Friday, 5 November.

For further information on the awards process, please contact Assistant Principal Vicki Wilson during school hours on 298 5775.

Reminder About Absences from School

If your child is going to be absent from school, please advise the school office via one of the following methods:

Notify Absence
Phone the office: 04 298 5775
Text: 027 755 7915
Skool Loop App
@School App

Advance Notice of Absence
If you know your child is going to be absent in advance eg holiday, hospital stay etc then please complete a Student Leave form available from the office or on our school website

Leaving Early
If you take your child early from school for any reason, you MUST sign them out at the office (regardless of alert level).

Note:  Students are only allowed to leave the school grounds with their parent/caregiver or other approved adult on their pick-up list.

Thank you 🙂

Personalised Artwork Calendars, Cards, Diaries, Mouse Mats & Note Pads - Yr 5/6 Camp Fundraiser

Orders have now closed! Any outstanding payments will need to be paid via cash to the office prior to Friday, 17 September.

Due to lockdown orders will be delayed. Once we have an update on a delivery date we will let you know.

EcoStore Soaps - Yr 5/6 Camp Fundraiser

We have 22 packs of soaps (6 in each) left.  Please help us finish our fundraiser by purchasing a pack on Kindo.  We will then get the soaps to you.

Many thanks for your support.

Yr 5/6 Camp Parent Helpers

Thank you to the parents who have expressed interest and filled in the relevant application forms.

Applications for camp are now closed and will be processed this afternoon.

School Photos - Yrs 0-2 and Sports/Groups Rescheduled

Photo day has been rescheduled for Yr 0-2 students and the balance of team photos not taken earlier in the year to 28 and 29 September.  You do not order/pay for your child’s portraits or class photos until after photo day. 

See below for instructions on ordering.

Clarification on Kindo Use

When you are paying for a school curriculum activity or item in Kindo for your child specifically (as opposed to general school items available to the whole school), you will need to click on your child’s name from the Kindo home page to access those individual payments.

Individual class payments are not visible from the home page.

Future Student Achievements

If your child has an achievement you would like us to share in our newsletter, then please send details (and a picture if you would like) to

Touch Rugby

Touch rugby registrations are open to all students in Years 0 – 8. The season begins term 4 and finishes March 2022.

You can register your child on KINDO. If you do not have access to KINDO, please collect a form from the office or email me at  Registrations close on Friday, 17 September.

We need a lot of coaches, so please consider if you could take on this role.  The days for playing are:

Under 7 and Under 8 – Tuesday
Under 12 and Under 14 – Wednesday
Under 10 – Thursday

Support Our Community, Support Our School

Our school community is a huge asset. We want to highlight the incredible work done in the area and support local businesses to thrive. PBS has now launched an online community directory for the Kapiti Coast.

The Paraparaumu Beach School Community Directory is an online, user-maintained list of businesses, events, and opportunities in the Kapiti area and gives local businesses the opportunity to support PBS while promoting themselves and improving their search engine visibility. It has replaced the community notices section of our school newsletter.

To visit the new community directory and for instructions on how to advertise, please click here

Tired From Making Lunches in Lockdown?

Now the kids are back at school, let ezlunch do it for you.

All ezlunch orders delivered to school Monday, 13 – Friday, 17 September will go in the draw to WIN back their lunch money! There will be 10 lucky winners!

Go to (or direct to our school shop on to log in and place your order.

WREMO Update and Helpful Links

Emergency Operations Centres both locally and regionally have closed with the move back to level two. These centres are run by trained council staff and Emergency Management Advisors from Wellington Regional Emergency Management Office (WREMO). They were responsible for co-ordinating the civil defence response on behalf of the councils and have been busy in lots of different areas. They are people working in departments across council who had put their hand up to get regular training so they can respond to disasters in Kāpiti. They did a fantastic job under challenging circumstances, including running the centre remotely and in a smaller capacity. As always, we keep a good eye out on what’s happening around the country and stand ready to reactivate if needed.

A huge thank you to everyone involved in helping our communities during these difficult times. There were so many people who reached out to help others, whether that was running virtual sessions, checking in with neighbours, spreading up-to-date information or supporting our most
vulnerable. It was great to see Kāpiti’s spirit still shining, even if I’m sure we felt “oh no not again!”

Financial Support is still available.  Please keep encouraging people to reach out for help.
*Financial support for individuals and whānau | Unite against COVID-19 (
*COVID-19 financial support tool | Unite against COVID-19 (
*Help for you and your whānau during COVID-19 – Work and Income

Struggling Financially?
You can contact MoneyTalks, a free financial helpline – it’s advice and support from trained financial mentors. The helpline can also connect you with free, confidential services in your own community to help you get things under control.

MoneyTalks is available Monday – Friday: 8am to 8pm and Saturday: 10am to 2pm
• Freephone: 0800 345 123
• Text: 4029
• Email:
• Online chat/website
• Facebook:

There are also some updated links for business support:
*Business helpline and resources | Unite against COVID-19 (
*Working safely at Alert Level 2 | Unite against COVID-19 (
*Workplace operations at COVID-19 Alert Levels —
*All right? Facebook page has a how to support Auckland post that we are encouraging groups to share All Right? – Posts | Facebook