Newsletter 2021/27

Principal's Message

Kia ora everyone

I’ve been seeing some wonderful Learning from Home examples over the past week – I feel very uplifted by things students have been busy with; from cooking and science projects , to football presentation videos and poetry – wow! I wish I had more time to explore all the learning our students have been involved in. I want to say a big thank you to my teachers and teacher aides for the wonderful efforts they’re putting in to make learning from home fun and motivating. Thanks too to our leadership team who are busy working away behind the scenes keeping the cogs of the machine all spinning.  And of course my gratitude to our fantastic PBS parents and caregivers for supporting their children at home. Keep up the terrific mahi!

By now you will be aware that our region moves into Alert Level 3 tonight at 11.59pm. Alert Level 3 will last until at least Tuesday next week, when there will be another government announcement. Our staff have been extra busy preparing for a few bubble classes at school, for children of Essential Workers who do not have other options for child care. If you filled in the google form (link emailed to parents/caregivers) to indicate you need your child/children to attend a bubble class, then you’ll be receiving extra information about this today. This information includes where and when to drop off your child/children in the morning.

If you have not been receiving additional emails from me then please check with Marie Barfoote to ensure we have your most up to date email address.  

Please continue to look after yourselves and those in your bubble.

Kind regards
Jess Ward – Tumuaki ~ Principal

Welcome to Our Recent New Students

There were no new students this week

Learning from Home

I’m pleased to report that at PBS we have had a really high level of student engagement in our Learning From Home programmes. Remember to just do what you can with your children, obviously the older kids will have a higher level of independence with their tasks, but scheduling check-ins are still important.

If you’re experiencing reluctance from your child/children to get involved in learning then contact your child’s teacher for advice. Whilst we don’t expect everyone to get every task done, the minimum of keeping up with some reading, writing and maths throughout the week should be achievable.

Remember that the Ministry of Education also has two websites, “Learning from Home” and “Ki te Ao Mārama”. These websites include resources for parents, students and teachers.

The information and resources are available at and

National Poetry Day

Hey awesome PBS Kids, do you have time for a Principal’s Lockdown Challenge? Last Friday it was National Poetry Day so I challenged you via the school’s facebook page to write a poem about Growing Up in Kapiti!

I have already received some great examples. You have until this Friday to complete this challenge. Send your poems to

The top three poems from each syndicate will be published on our school website. Ready…set….go!

Kid's Quote

No kids to quote this week, though I’m sure you’ll have a few beauties from your bubble! Feel free to email us in funny ones for our next newsletter 🙂

Were Your Ears Burning?

Staff Gratitude Section

Thanks to my staff who have volunteered to come to school to supervise bubble classes under Alert Level 3, whilst still catering for their own class remotely. Where would we be without you? You are wonderful!

Using Māori Language at Home

It’s important for all Kiwi to learn te reo. Each week our newsletter will include phrases that you might like to try out at your place. After all, it will take the whole nation to keep this unique language alive.

Kia atawhai – Be kind

@School App

Click on this link for instructions to accept the invitation to our school app.
If you need your User ID and password resent, please contact the office on

Personalised Artword - Calendars, Cards, Diaries, Mouse Mats and Note Pads - A Yr 5/6 Camp Fundraiser

Your children have produced some fabulous artwork which will be turned into 2022 calendars, cards, diaries, mouse mats, and notepads. They make perfect Christmas gifts and are great for sending overseas! They are also a great record of your child’s talent this year!

We are still taking orders and the final order date has been extended to 10 September.  To order please follow these instructions:

*Fill in the order form – new one attached or you can use your original form
*Scan and email order form to
*Make payment via Kindo

Any issues just email Kylie on

Room 3s Learning From Home

Room 3 Students have been keeping themselves busy by completing a variety of learning tasks.

Alex Martin and Elena Harris completed an outdoor scavenger hunt on a lovely day!

Alex Martin
Elena Harris

Corey Whitfield (with support from his brother) made this amazing fitness circuit:

Digi Corner

Linewize is one of our internet safety service providers. They are running some webinars for parents that may provide some handy information and tips.

See the flyer below and copy and paste then click into your browser. The first webinar is this Thursday at 7pm titled “Safety & Sanity” and covers strategies to support young people learning online from home, and tips for keeping harmony in a busy household during lockdown.

These webinars are free. You just need to register your interest.

Message from Student Councillors

Check out the video message from our Student Councillors. You can find it on our school facebook page or via our school website

Future Student Achievements

If your child has an achievement you would like us to share in our newsletter, then please send details (and a picture if you would like) to

Touch Rugby Registrations

If you are wanting to register your child or children for touch rugby, you can do this via Kindo any time. On Kindo, you will find the registration form to fill out and links to the payment. We will extend the registrations as much as we can.

If you have any questions please feel free to email me at

Support Our Community, Support Our School

Our school community is a huge asset. We want to highlight the incredible work done in the area and support local businesses to thrive. PBS has now launched an online community directory for the Kapiti Coast.

The Paraparaumu Beach School Community Directory is an online, user-maintained list of businesses, events, and opportunities in the Kapiti area and gives local businesses the opportunity to support PBS while promoting themselves and improving their search engine visibility. It has replaced the community notices section of our school newsletter.

To visit the new community directory and for instructions on how to advertise, please click here

Support our School with The Entertainment Book

August is our biggest month!!

From now until 1 September anyone who purchases a Multi City Membership from us receives a $40 Gift Card or when they purchase a Single City they receive $20 Gift Card.  What’s even better is that you get to choose your gift from Farmers, Whitcoulls or Countdown.

Order your membership online at

The Shielded Site Project

The Shielded Site Project has made asking for help safer than ever.  They have created a tool for victims of abuse to ask for help, without fear of it showing up in their browser’s history or an abusive partner ever seeing it.

If you need help but are worried about repercussions from a controlling or abusive partner, this is a safe way to find it. With The Women’s Refuge Shielded Site, victims of domestic violence access a shielded portal through which they can contact us, find out how to make a plan to safely get out of a dangerous situation, learn how to stay safe online and get answers to questions about what comes next – all without fear of it showing up in their browser history for anyone else to find. 

Click on the logo at the bottom of our school website page here for more information.