Newsletter 2021/22

Principal's Message

Welcome to Term 3!

Over the term break I reviewed the cultural makeup of PBS; what a wonderful melting pot of cultures we are! Our families draw mostly from New Zealander-Kiwi-Pakeha and Māori backgrounds. However, we also have students/families who identify as Cook Island Māori, Samoan, Tongan, Indonesian, Fijian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Tokelauan, Australian, British, Irish, Welsh, Scottish, Indian, German, Russian, Polish, Argentinian, Greek, Bulgarian, Croatian, Turkish, Italian, South African and Belarusian. Whilst we see some change from year to year, the one constant is how much more multicultural the Kapiti Coast is becoming.

A diverse school and/or classroom has many benefits for students. The micro-environment of the classroom sets kids up for working in and contributing to a multicultural society. As a result, daily social interactions and learning experiences at school can provide opportunities for students to build cultural and geographical awareness, develop respect for others and build empathy, especially if stereotyping arises. The ability to be able to collaborate with people from a range of different cultural backgrounds is even more important in a world where we can collaborate internationally via zoom and other platforms.

Whilst only a small proportion of our students are fluent in a language other than English, being able to develop communication skills with people from other places is a great skill, especially when you take cultural nuance into consideration. Exchanging stories of travelling, family traditions, cultural festivities etc helps build an understanding that people are different and that’s cool.

Developing cultural competence requires students to understand that each culture is unique; people from different countries may behave differently, and have different values and beliefs. Understanding and celebrating how we are culturally unique is the first step towards acceptance and inclusion.

This term the schoolwide inquiry focus is “What’s your superpower?” 

So, what’s your superpower? Perhaps it’s your cultural background!

Ngā mihi,
Jess Ward – Tumuaki ~ Principal

NB: Don’t forget our early finish time of 2pm next Wednesday (4 August) for Parent Interview night

Welcome to Our Recent New Students

Alchemy – Rm 26
Lachlan – Rm 24
Lyla – Rm 24
Jesse – Rm 24
Lienke – Rm 24
Malacai – Rm 12
Clara – Rm 24

School Interviews Next Wednesday

Parent-Teacher interviews will take place next Wednesday, 4 August. School will close at 2pm on this day to enable interviews to take place from 2.20pm. If you think it would be helpful, you are welcome to bring your child into the interview too. If not, then the school library will be open for the supervision of children.

Please click here to book your interview now.  (The booking code is zy6yh)

Were Your Ears Burning?

Staff Gratitude Section

Welcome to Angie Busing and Kaye Gilman who have started their shared teaching position in Room 12. Brenda Staples was farewelled at the end of Term 2 and she is already back in America. We are so grateful that Angie and Kaye, who have had successful job-shares at PBS before, were able to come back on board to provide a positive transition for the kids of Room 12.

Using Māori Language at Home

It’s important for all Kiwi to learn te reo. Each week our newsletter will include phrases that you might like to try out at your place. After all, it will take the whole nation to keep this unique language alive.

Paramanawa – snack
He paramanawa māu? – Would you like a snack?

Playground Update

If you’ve walked past the school office you will have noticed that the small adventure playground was removed as planned over the term break.

Unfortunately the company installing the new one told us a few days before the end of term 2 that there was a delay in their scheduling. Therefore, we now have to wait until September to have the new structure installed. Whilst this is not ideal, we will practise patience and optimism – knowing that good things take time!

Kid's Quote

“Our playground’s had a meltdown!”

If Your Child Is Late To School ...

Parents will be aware that PBS has gates at both the entrances which are closed during school time. Therefore, if your child is late to school at any stage it is your responsibility to ensure they get through the gates and into school.


Winter Illness & RSV - Information from Regional Public Health

Colds, flu and other respiratory viruses including respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) are more common at this time of year in schools, early learning centres and homes. These winter illnesses can be easily spread by sneezes or cough droplets. For most adults and older children an RSV infection will be like a cold. Most people take about 10 days to recover and will get better on their own. Very young children and babies can become seriously ill and require urgent medical care and hospitalisation.

RSV infections may progress to cause pneumonia and bronchiolitis, especially in infants

To stop the spread of RSV and other viruses, everyone should maintain good hand hygiene and stay home if they have any cold or flu symptoms.

If you or your child has RSV, the most common symptoms are:
*a runny nose
*coughing or sneezing
*wheezing and difficulty breathing
*loss of appetite, or
*difficulty feeding due to breathlessness

Shortness of breath or abnormally rapid breathing always requires immediate medical attention
In very young infants, the symptoms may be subtle: irritability or decreased activity may be the only signs your child is unwell. Breathing difficulties indicate there is inflammation in the airways caused by a viral infection.

When do I need to see a doctor if my baby or child has respiratory symptoms?
*is under 3 months old
*is breathing fast, has noisy breathing and is *having to use extra effort to breathe
*looks pale and unwell
*is taking less than half of their normal feeds
*is vomiting
*has not had a wet nappy for more than six hours

Even if you’ve already seen your doctor, if your child’s breathing gets worse or you are worried, take your child back to the doctor

When should I dial 111?
Dial 111 and ask for urgent medical help if your baby or young child:
*has blue lips and tongue
*has severe difficulty breathing
*breathing that is not regular, or pauses in breathing
*is becoming very sleepy and not easy to wake up
*is very pale or floppy

Additional information for parents and caregivers
*Anyone who is unwell should stay at home until they are symptom free and feeling well. Your child should not return to childcare, school or work until 24 hours after their symptoms (cough, runny nose) have gone
*Inform a member of staff at your childcare centre/school if your child has an illness

Rm 3, 4 & 29's Rescheduled Trip to Te Papa

Rm 3, 4 & 29’s trip to Te Papa has been rescheduled to Tuesday, 10 August – Week 3.  Ginny Hawke (Rm 3 teacher) has emailed you a Google Form to complete if you are able to come as a parent helper.

The classes will be leaving school at 8.40am so please ensure that your child is at school no later than 8.30am on the 10th to have the roll taken and has a warm jacket, drink bottle, packed lunch and suitable footwear.

Thank you.

Student Council Wellbeing Awareness Day & Charity Fundraiser

The PBS Student Council are holding a Wellbeing Awareness Day and Charity Fundraiser for KYS on Friday, August 6.  Please bring a gold coin donation to support this cause.

Midweek Munchies

Midweek Munchies will be starting again in Week 2 on Wednesday. Bring your coins to buy a treat for morning tea and support Te Moana Camp fundraising.

Te Moana Sausage Sizzle - Friday, 13 August - Camp Fundraiser

There’s no need to pack a lunch on Friday, 13 August because you can buy a sausage or two instead!! Help Te Moana to fundraise for their camp in Term 4.

$2.00 BBQ Sausages
$3.00 Chicken Sausages
$3.00 Gluten Free Sausages

All come with or without onions and sauce. Payment via Kindo only.

Te Moana Camp Fundraiser – Soaps Coming this Week!

As advertised at the end of Term 2, Year 5 & 6 Students will be able to sell ecostore soaps in Term 3, to fundraise for camp.  Children who want to participate will initially be given a pack of 6 to sell. All profit made by your child will reduce their camp fees.

Parents: Soap packs will be distributed this Wednesday, 28 July – so please check if your child has brought home soaps to sell; a form & instructions will be included. All forms & money to be returned to the office by Friday, 13 August please.

NB: There will be the opportunity to sell more – we are looking at re-ordering in week 4 if sales are going really well.

Lost Property

Lost property will be on display on fine days this week by the netball courts. Otherwise, please check the cupboard as you go past.

Anything unnamed or unclaimed will be sent to the Koha shed.

Digi Corner

This week is Netsafety week. Netsafe have created a site to help keep us informed and supported on how to stay safe online:

Below are 5 key Netsafe tips to help families navigate the internet:

1. Korero with whānau
Talk with family and friends. It’s important to engage with whānau about the technologies we use and to share the tips and tricks you use to eliminate challenges and risks. Netsafety Week is an opportunity to encourage positive korero around the power of the internet. Having regular, non-judgemental conversations minimises the harm if things go wrong and lets loved ones know you’re there to help.

2. Be a good digital citizen
A lot of internet activity happens on public platforms. So, it’s important to think twice before you engage online as it can be hard to delete or remove content you want to take back. Netsafety Week is a chance to reinforce good etiquette, and to be respectful of others and our differences. We know that certain groups of people are subject to more abuse and suffer more harm online. Speech becomes hate speech when it is used to attack a person or group of people based on attributes including race, religion, ethnicity, gender, disability, or sexual orientation. It can also be a breach of the law.

3. Swipe left on fake news
A lot of what we see or read online is true, but sometimes it’s put there on purpose to spread false information. Netsafe’s research reveals a third of people have accidentally shared fake news online. It can be hard to tell the difference between what’s real and fake so always ask yourself: is what I’m reading clickbait? Is the source trustworthy? Are the photos real? Where can I fact check this info? You can help others by not sharing fake news and reporting it when you see it.

4. Discuss sensitive topics
Sharing private photos is part of everyday conversation for many people, and there’s also a strong misconception amongst young people that everybody’s doing it. This myth places extra pressure and can result in many people being put in uncomfortable situations – and it can impact on people’s ability to seek help. Having open conversations around online intimate images and the places you can get support if your images have been shared or you’ve received one you didn’t want helps to remove the stigma.

5. Know your rights
The Harmful Digital Communications Act helps people dealing with serious or repeated harmful digital communications (like texts, emails or social media content). The law sets out 10 Communication Principles which define what is good and bad behaviour. Netsafe has the responsibility to assist under the law and our expert incident team are available seven
days a week.

Netsafe can help you with advice and support. You can email for or give them a call on 0508 NETSAFE (0508 638 723).

Win a Lunch Shout!

Order lunch from ezlunch to be delivered between Monday, 26 July and Friday, 6 August and go in the draw to win.  Every order gets you another entry.  Three winners will be drawn. Each winner will receive the cost of their lunch back as an ezlunch credit (up to the value of $20).

Order lunch now here

T&C’s: Winners will be selected randomly. Every order has one chance to win for orders delivered between Monday, 26 July and Friday, 6 August. Open to ezlunch account holders only, at schools with lunch service available 26 July – 6 August 2021. Maximum value $20 per winner.

Are You Ordering Lunch The Easy Way?

Order on the go with the mykindo App…

Search ‘myKindo’ in your app store or click the link below. WHY? Because the app is faster to use when you’re on the go – and you don’t need to remember your login!

myKindo App on Google Play
myKindo App on App Store

Just set up a PIN or use the Face ID or Touch ID.

You can also use the calendar to easily select multiple dates… then one-click will add the same meal to all of the dates, instantly. Just think … every Friday lunch order sorted, in less than 1 minute! Check it out on YouTube


Support Our Community, Support Our School

Our school community is a huge asset. We want to highlight the incredible work done in the area and support local business to thrive. So PBS is launching an online community directory for the Kapiti Coast.

The Paraparaumu Beach School Community Directory is an online, user-maintained list of businesses, events, and opportunities in the Kapiti area.

The site gives local businesses the opportunity to support PBS while promoting themselves and improving their search engine visibility. It will replace the community notices section of our school newsletter from this week onwards.

To visit the new community directory, please click here

Community Notices

Please see the notice above in regards to advertising in our new school community directory.

Hoop Club Kapiti – Junior Basketball Coaching Programme – Term 3 2021:  Sunday, 1 August to Sunday, 26 September 2021 at Paraparaumu College Community Sportshall, Mazengarb Road, Paraparaumu from 9.30-10.30am for 5 to 7 year olds; 10.30-11.30am for 8 to 10 year olds; and 11.30 to 12.30pm for 11 to 17 year olds.  ALL NEW PLAYERS MOST WELCOME.  Contact – Angelo Robinson 04 904 0142 or email

sKids Kenakena: Specialising in delivering quality before school, after school and holiday programmes. We strive to create a fun and safe environment that our kids just love! MSD approved, WINZ subsidies for eligible families, sibling discounts available, and drop-offs to after school activities (at no extra cost!). We are now taking bookings for term 3. For more information please call Jools Da Silva on 021 0253 3249 or email

Zeal Creative Programmes:  Now open to Yr 7/8 students in photography, graphic design and live sound.  For more details contact

sKids Kenakena:  An opportunity has become available at sKids Kenakena for an energetic person to join a team of dedicated Programme Managers and Programme Assistants. Applicants must have a passion for growing awesome Kiwi kids. Hours of work 2.30pm-5.00 (4/5 afternoons a week) and a few hours during school holidays. A full clean driving license is essential. Successful applicants will be police vetted. Job Description available upon request. CVs to