Newsletter 2021/21

Principal's Message

Kia Ora

I’m thankful to work and live in such a supportive community. This term there has been plenty of evidence of the kindness that exists in our school community.  Whether it is a big act of kindness or a small one, the positive impact on others can be long lasting.

Thanks to those who have helped out with sports teams, trips, lunchtime clubs and classroom parent-help during the term. Your help is priceless.

Thanks to those individuals and business who have sponsored Year 5-6 camp costs for individual students: Jools at Skids, the Rice family, Gus & Glenys Evans Nursery, Cuttriss Consultants Ltd and Nicky & Glen Morrison.

Thank you to those who have shown care and aroha towards others in our school community this term too. In particular those who have been there during the loss of a PBS school parent recently – our heartfelt thanks to you and our love to this bereaved family.

To those who read last week’s newsletter and have donated warm clothes and jackets for kids in need – thank you for making a difference to these students’ wellbeing. Your kindness will be felt (literally) over the winter months.

Lastly, thank you to those who have kept up to date with reading newsletters . Keeping ‘in the know’ is one of the small but necessary things I really appreciate.  Stay awesome everyone!

Ngā mihi,
Jess Ward – Tumuaki ~ Principal

PS Check out these “Good Egg” artworks from Rm 13 below

PPS Weather permitting -feel welcome to join our whole school assembly at 9.15am tomorrow morning.  Dress the kids up warmly.

Welcome to Our Recent New Students

Jayden – Rm 5
Natasha – Rm 24
Lucy – Rm 24

Matariki Whānau Day

Tomorrow is our Matariki Whānau Day celebration! Please come and join us for the following events:

9.20am Whole School Assembly (all welcome)
1.35pm Shared Kai time! You are welcome to bring lunch to share with your children.  If you are unable to pop into school, children will just eat from their lunch boxes as usual.  We will eat in our whānau groups so families can sit together.

Our classes will be open after lunch for you to come and share in what your children have been learning this term.

Please be aware of parking restrictions around the school, particularly on Gray Ave as they start from 2.30pm.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Parent-Teacher Interviews

Parent-Teacher interviews will take place on Wednesday, 4 August. School will close at 2pm on this day to enable interviews to take place from 2.20pm. If you think it would be helpful, you are welcome to bring your child into the interview too. If not, then the school library will be open for the supervision of children.

Please click here to book your interview now. (The booking code is zy6yh)

Please Keep Sick Kids at Home

We have had lots of unwell kids attending school over the last few weeks, who we have had to send back home almost immediately. Please, please, please keep your kids home if they’re unwell as a lot of staff have been impacted by kids bringing colds and germs in the classroom.

Thank you

Using Māori Language at Home

It’s important for all Kiwi to learn te reo. Each week our newsletter will include phrases that you might like to try out at your place. After all, it will take the whole nation to keep this unique language alive.

Kia ū te whakapono, kia māia te whai! Believe and achieve!

Were Your Ears Burning?

Staff Gratitude Section

If you have read previous newsletters you will know that PBS is saying farewell to Brenda Staples and Sally Saunders this week. We have absolutely loved working with these two stars during the last 10++ years; they have both brought such passion and dedication to working with students.

Thank you so much Brenda and Sally, we will all miss you so much.

Kid's Quote

Here’s a familiar yet different slogan I heard a student utter:

“PBS, I’m lovin’ it!”

Student Work

Don’t be alarmed when you read this poem, it’s a clever piece of collaborative poetry by Emily and Pippa in Rm 13. It’s a ‘Negative – Positive poem” which takes considerable crafting. First you read it line by line downwards and when you get to the end you read it line by line from the bottom back up to the top.

Friendship Poem

Friendships never work
And I will never believe that
I can make new friends
Because I know
People hate me
So don’t try to make me think that
I will be able to make new friends,
So you won’t stop me believing that
I suck
And I won’t believe in my heart that
I can make friends
Because I know
Nobody likes me
And I don’t think that
Friends are fun to have
Because I know
I’m the worst
And don’t get me to listen to you saying
I am cool.

(Now read it the other way – line by line from bottom to top)

Te Moana Camp Fundraiser – Coming in Term 3!

Year 5 & 6 Students will be able to sell ecostore soaps in Term 3, to fundraise for camp.  There will be 2 varieties available, selling at $2.50 each bar. We have secured the soaps at a great discount, so for every bar sold, the profit will be $1.75 per bar.

Children who want to participate will initially be given a pack of 6 to sell. All profit made by your child will reduce their camp fees.  So – get the word out, the soaps are coming!

Parents: please check in week 1 if your child has brought home soaps to sell; a form & instructions will be included.

You can also order and pay for in advance on Kindo here

NB: There will be the opportunity to sell more – we will re-order in about week 4 of term 3 if sales are going really well.

Lost Property

A reminder to check the lost property cupboard this week.

Lost property will be on display the first week back after the holidays as well as this week before it is taken to the Koha Shed.

Mid-Week Munchies

Midweek Munchies are on tomorrow outside Room 1. Bring your coins to buy a treat for morning tea. Everything is 50c to $2.

Thank you for supporting Te Moana’s camp fundraiser.

Free to Awesome Homes

As per last week’s newsletter (, we have a number of surplus desks and some chairs available. We are offering these to our school community. Your child might like a desk in their bedroom or another space around the house where they get creative. The desks have a tray underneath for storing things. Some of the desks lift up like an easel and there are a few different sizes and colours.

You can help yourself to the desks from the front of the school hall until 9am on Thursday, 8 July.

Any questions, please email Sarah Chambers:

Community Notices

Please note—community notices are accepted on a “publication if space allows” basis (thus no guarantee of publication can be given) three times per term (start/middle/end); a small contribution of $10 to the school for short “business” notices is appreciated before publication. Finally and importantly, the publishing in the school newsletter of any community notice does not imply school sanctioning of, support for, or knowledge of the event or activity described.

Queen Margaret College Open Day: 13 & 15 August 2021.  We build confident, adventurous women ready to make their mark in the world. With 100+ years of leading education, we are passionate about creating amazing futures and seeing every student thrive. We are the only girls’ school in Wellington to offer the International Baccalaureate Programme for Years 1-13. Come along to one of our Open Days and get to know us.  Register online

Volleyball Workshop:  Any Year 6, 7 and 8 students interested in attending a volleyball workshop at Paraparaumu College in the holidays can find info on Facebook – PC Volleyball Holiday Workshop or email –

Skids:  Specialising in delivering quality before school, after school and holiday programmes.  We strive to create a fun and safe environment that our kids just love!   Now taking bookings for Term 3.  For more info please call Jools Da Silva on 021 0254 3249 or email

Piano Lessons:  Heidi Schrama – 20 years experience.  Ph 027 221 5800, email or go to