Newsletter 2021/20

Principal's Message

Kia Ora

Kei te makariri ahau! I am cold! It was 5 degrees on gate duty this morning; it required thermals, a beanie, gloves, a scarf and a coat. I’ve noticed an increasing number of kids wearing beanies, scarves and coats too which is awesome, but there are still large numbers of kids in lightweight clothes. I know many people may say kids don’t feel the cold as much as adults do, but the cold will still cause them to get winter ills.

Whilst our classrooms are warm, kids need to have layers to wear out and about. Please make sure you dress your kids for winter. If there’s a lack of warm kids’ clothes at your place please contact me and as a community we’ll see what we can provide. A warm, comfortable kid is a kid who can focus on learning 🙂

Whilst it’s winter here, we do have a staff member who is about to head to a warmer climate at the end of the term. It’s with much sadness for PBS that Brenda Staples is moving back to America after 16 years teaching at Paraparaumu Beach School. Brenda and her husband have been contemplating moving back to the States for a little while, but due to arising family needs in America they now need to return sooner, hence the short notice.

Obviously we are very sad to be saying farewell to Brenda; she is such a warm-hearted and dedicated teacher. I know parents / caregivers will join with me in wishing Brenda all the very best and expressing thanks for everything she has done for students at PBS. Kaye Gilman and Angie Busing will be taking over from Brenda, in a job-share position, for Terms 3 and 4.

Before I sign off today’s newsletter I wanted to acknowledge the wonderful learning students and teachers are involved in for Matariki. Yesterday Room 5 and 6 kids made “Matariki soup” full of kumara goodness (Matariki is a time of harvest), which I got to taste. Last week I also joined Rm 14 to making Manu Aute kites. Kites were flown to signify the start of Matariki, the Māori New Year.

Great work everyone – Ka Rawe!

Ngā mihi, 

Jess Ward – Tumuaki ~ Principal

PS – Remember school finishes early at 12.50pm tomorrow for Teachers Paid Union meetings

Welcome to Our Recent New Student

Ella – Rm 24



Parent-Teacher Interviews

Parent-Teacher interviews will take place on Wednesday, 4 August.  School will close at 2pm on this day to enable interviews to take place from 2.20pm.  If you think it would be helpful, you are welcome to bring your child into the interview too.  If not, then the school library will be open with supervision of children.

Please click here to book your interview now. (The booking code is zy6yh).

Wednesday (Tomorrow) - Teachers' Union Meeting

Don’t forget our teachers have a paid union meeting tomorrow afternoon. This means our school will finish at the earlier time of 12.50pm tomorrow.

However, if you cannot pick your child/ren up earlier, we will have a few staff remaining on site who can provide limited supervision. Please contact the school office if you can not arrange childcare and we will do our best to accommodate your needs.

The purpose of this meeting is for teachers to discuss the priorities for the renegotiation of their collective agreement in 2022. Issues being discussed, such as school staffing levels, directly impact on the education of your children. These meetings are a critical component of the negotiation process and it is the legal right of all members to attend a meeting and have their say.

Lockdown Practice

Tomorrow morning our school will be practising a Lock-down drill with all classes. Teachers will talk their students through this so that they know it is a drill. Practising procedures for lockdown and ‘shelter in place’ scenarios enable the school staff to check and review the measures we have planned in the case of a chemical spill, unwanted trespasser on school grounds or another kind of safety hazard which would require students to stay indoors.

Growth Mindset

Try thinking of the brain as a muscle…

“When you learn new things, these tiny connections in the brain actually multiply and get stronger. The more that you challenge your mind to learn, the more your brain cells grow. Then, things that you once found very hard, or even impossible – like speaking another language or doing algebra – seem to become easy. The result is a stronger, smarter brain.”

Dr Carol Dweck 2006

Kid's Quote

Yesterday a student entered the office and greeted Paula on the front desk in a gorgeously unexpected way, which brought a smile to our faces.

This student bounced in with a smile, looked at Paula and announced “Gidday mate!” with genuine warmth in her voice.

Were Your Ears Burning?

Staff Gratitude Section

Yesterday after school, before our teachers launched into some professional learning about maths, the facilitator asked each person to write down three things they were grateful for, or inspired by, or proud of etc. When we shared some of these I was so pleased by how often teachers spoke of their gratitude for and admiration of fellow teachers. How rewarding it is to work in a place where collegial respect and support is high!

Thank you staff!

Using Māori Language at Home

It’s important for all Kiwi to learn te reo. Each week our newsletter will include phrases that you might like to try out at your place. After all, it will take the whole nation to keep this unique language alive.

Makariri – cold
He makariri tēnei rā – It’s cold today
Me mau kākahu matatengi koe – Wear some warm clothes

Recent Student Achievements

Gymnastics:  Congratulations to Holly McGregor who was recently awarded certificates for first equal in beam and four seconds in vault, floor, uneven bars and individual all around!  Well done.

Holly McGregor

Yarn Bombing:  Have you seen how much our Yarn Bombing tree has developed? It’s wonderful to see what has been accomplished in the last nine weeks of term. We have so many students who have learned to knit, crochet and fingerknit as part of this project and they still keep coming!! If you’re available to help on a Thursday lunchtime (12.50 – 1.35pm) or have a knitting grandparent who’s available, please come along.

Senior students like Isobel, Pippa and Emily (pictured with all the individual knitter’s projects in progress) have all got so good they are helping out the younger students, which is gratefully appreciated.

Isobel, Pippa & Emily

Matariki Whānau Day

We warmly welcome whānau to join us in celebrating Matariki next Wednesday, 7 July. The programme for the day will include the following:

9.20am – Whole School Assembly (all welcome)
1.35pm – Shared Kai time! You are welcome to bring lunch to share with your children. We plan to eat in our whānau groups so families can sit together. This will be dependent on the weather!

Our classes will be open after lunch for you to come and share in what your children have been learning this term. Please be aware of parking restrictions around the school, particularly on Gray Ave which start from 2.30pm.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Midweek Munchies

They’re on again – fundraising for Te Moana Camps in Term 4. Bring your coins to get some delicious baking for morning tea tomorrow. Come outside Room 29 at morning tea play time.

Lost Property

A reminder to check the lost property cupboard before the school holidays.

Hopefully (weather dependant) there will be some days next week where it will be on display on the netball courts.

From the Student Council

Every year the Student Council looks to support a charity. We did a bit of research and this year we have decided that Kapiti Youth Support is in need of our help. This organisation provides free frontline health care for young people aged 10-24, however, they have to find funding to keep providing these important services each year.  Here’s a link to give some background to their situation

We’re planning a Wellbeing Awareness Day and KYS fundraiser on Friday, 6 August in Term 3. We’re encouraging PBS students and families to bring a gold coin on this day and we’ll run some cool lunchtime activities for everyone.

Thank you for your support!

Free to Awesome Homes

We recently did a furniture stocktake and established that we have a number of surplus desks and some chairs.  We are offering these to our school community. Your child might like a desk in their bedroom or another space around the house where they get creative. The desks have a tray underneath for storing things. Some of the desks lift up like an easel and there are a few different sizes and colours.

Once we return to Level 1, you can help yourself to the desks from the front of the school hall. It will be open before and after school.

Any questions, please email Sarah Chambers:

PBS Hoodies - Due this Friday

Te Moana Syndicate is fundraising for their school camp at the end of the year and is selling Paraparaumu Beach School Hoodies and Year 8 Leaver’s Hoodies. We have samples of sizes in the office if you wish your child to try one on.  All hoodies are black. You can order them with or without a name at the back of the hoodie.

Payments and orders for these can be made on Kindo or put in the Money Box outside the staffroom. These are due on 2 July and are expected to be delivered in the first week of Term 3.