Newsletter 2021/06

Principal's Message

Kia Ora

Our Senior Students are gearing up for camp in Nelson next week and the week after. I’m excited to be joining in with the first camp, next week. I’ve always regarded camps as a valuable growth experience for students. Unfortunately, for many schools these days, camps are not being offered, due to the intensive planning and risk management paperwork required.

Fortunately at PBS we have teachers willing to put in the hard mahi because they know how important this experience can be. The camp experience is often called EOTC, Education Outside the Classroom, in the NZ Curriculum. Taking students out of their normal learning environment promotes growth in social relationships and allows kids to challenge themselves. Camps also enable teachers to get to know their students on a different level.

We know that the expense of camp can be a barrier for some families, which is why we always offer fundraising activities in the months leading up to camp. However, last year’s pandemic restrictions put a dampener on many of our fundraising opportunities. But did you know that you can use the school’s KINDO payments system to save up money for things like camp and trips? Parents can transfer money into KINDO when they have funds available throughout the school year, then when the desired amount is reached, you can pay for items such as camp. If you have a child attending the end of year camp for Years 5-6 Te Moana, you might like to start utilising this function now.

Bridge Valley Camp in Nelson has so much to offer our senior students and I know they will come back with good memories of this special experience. They will probably come back with an appreciation for their own bed as well. 🙂

Before I sign off today’s newsletter I want to give a shout out to an actor in residence! It’s not often you go to the movies and see one of your students pop up on the big screen and with a speaking role to boot. Congratulations to Leo Holloway for his debut role in the kiwi film ‘Cousins’. Leo, I thought you were fantastic – Ka mau te wehi!

Ngā mihi,
Jess Ward – Tumuaki ~ Principal

PS – Term 2 date for your diary – School will be closed on Friday, 28 May for a staff only day

Welcome to Our Recent New Students

Waylon Rm 15
Loretta Rm 29

Upcoming Parent Education Evening

On the evening of Tuesday, 30 March from 7pm we will be holding a parent education evening.

The format of this evening is a 10-15 minute introduction, followed by stations around the hall for parents to wander around. While the main thrust of this evening is on the use of Spotlight for student learning and reporting at Years 3-8, there will be stations on Cyber Safety, the @SchoolApp and more. As the majority of this evening is set up as stations to visit, after the initial introduction, parents can stay as long or short as they choose.

Can’t get a babysitter? We will be offering supervision for children in the school library.

HOLI - Festival of Colour Fundraiser

On 27 March Holi Festival of Colour is being held between 11am – 2pm at Kapiti Primary school. This PBS fundraiser involves PBS kids being sponsored $20 to be part of the Colour Run with ALL proceeds returned to PBS to support camp fees for kids. I’ll be involved too – so the community can Colour Bomb me at their leisure!

The sponsorship option has been loaded into KINDO for any age child to participate.

Were Your Ears Burning?

Staff Gratitude Section

I’m so appreciative of the support I get from Sarah Chambers (DP) and Vicki Wilson (AP) in running this big school. The hard work of both Sarah and Vicki does not go unnoticed by me. Often leadership duties include ‘behind the scenes’ responsibilities, which whilst not obvious to the wider community, keep our school running smoothly.

Thanks so much, Jess Ward

Kid's Quote

Movin’ March is getting lots of kids active, which is beneficial for their health and traffic congestion is also significantly lower.

A six year old was delighted to tell me…
“I biked my scooter to school today!”

Celebrating Student Work

Last week some students from Room 19 were keen to tell me all about their recent wonderful “Play, Make, Create” projects . Indie, Shylah, Anaya and Seiji left me in awe, not just with their projects, but with the videos they had created (independent of the teacher) to explain their process. They then taught the Principal how to create her own video!

Using Māori Language at Home

It’s important for all Kiwi to learn te reo. Each week our newsletter will include phrases that you might like to try out at your place. After all it will take the whole nation to keep this unique language alive.

He ātaahua tēnei rā – This is a beautiful day

Sandpit Update

Thank you Placemakers Paraparaumu for supplying the school with materials for the sandpit reconstruction.

A huge thank you to Scott Turner from SWT Building, Kieran Quirke from Delux Construction along Kieran’s helpers Beau and Darren and Mike Strawbridge for volunteering their time and using their excellent building skills to construct the seating area around the sandpit. You guys were amazing and so committed even though it was very wet at times.  A shout out also to Kylie Morrell too for the yummy morning tea she put on for the boys.  It was really appreciated.

If you need any construction work please support these builders and Placemakers.

Watch out for next week’s update!

NB:  Additional thanks from the Principal too!  The kids have been telling me how excited they are to see the sandpit being rebuilt.

Introducing our 2021 PBS Student Councillors

We are very lucky at PBS to have many up and coming leaders worthy of representing their peers on the Student Council. Congratulations to the 14 students selected:

Chester Jackson, Boston Main, Micah Steinmetz, Grace Graham, Isobella Marshall, Mason Pulepule, Vienna McDowell, Jack Stephens, Benjamin Ross, Phoebe Tinworth, Tyler Johnston, Eva Thorn, Isobel Chisholm and Greer Winter.

Each of these students offers something unique to the team.  They recognise the privilege of this role and are eager to get started.

The councillors are looking forward to camps over the next few weeks but will get together on their return to start planning how they can contribute positively to PBS and our school community.

Movin' March

Research shows walking, biking or scooting to school can help improve students’ physical health, confidence, independence and sense of community. Movin’ March is a great opportunity to give it a go! If you live too far away, park further from school and walk or wheel part of the way. There are lots of prizes up for grabs to encourage kids to walk or wheel to school.

To date, we have had a fantastic response with children scooting, biking and walking to school. There was a notable reduction in traffic congestion around the school gates, making it safer for our tamariki. Thank you to our Senior Sports Ambassadors for helping to organise and promote this event.

Te Whakataetae Puka Uruwhenua mō WOW/WOW Passport Challenge:
Every day we will stamp the walk and wheel trips your tamariki take to OR from school over March. All entries will be sent into the Regional Wellington District Council to go in the draw to win one of 12 x $400 MYRIDE vouchers. More information on WOW can be found on the Movin’ March Website

To further encourage our tamariki, we will have a weekly draw from the completed passports to win spot prizes.

He Whakataetae Whakaahua mā ngā Mātua/ Whanau Photo Competition – Parents also win:
Snap a photo of your family’s journey to school during Movin’ March and win. You could highlight a small adventure or wonder discovered along the way, or simply capture a moment in your journey.

Post your photo publicly on Movin’ March’s Facebook page.  Prizes include scooters and family passes to Staglands or Zealandia.

Student Update Forms

Keep those student update forms coming into the office please (regardless of whether or not there are any changes to be made). 

Thank you to everyone who has returned their forms already.

PTA AGM Reminder

The Paraparaumu Beach School Parent Teacher Association Annual General Meeting will be held this Thursday, 11 March at 7.00pm in the PBS School Staffroom.

All welcome!

Digi Tech Corner

Screen time
Screen time is fun for everyone in the family, but setting limits matters. Getting enough sleep, movement, healthy kai and socialisation helps every aspect of your child’s development. So, set limits and stick to them.

Below is a link to a great article on the topic “Screen Time – Getting the Right Balance”. It’s from the Child Psychology Service (New Zealand) and provides good discussion points and valuable strategies to help parents find the right balance.

Netsafe also offers some tips for parents at

Recent Student Achievements

Inter-School Show Jumping:  Congratulations to Alex Kenny-Schlup who competed in the recent inter-school show jumping champs. She was reserve champion and her team won overall with the most points!

Ezlunch Turns 10

Community Notices

Please note—community notices are accepted on a “publication if space allows” basis (thus no guarantee of publication can be given) three times per term (start/middle/end); a small contribution of $10 to the school for short “business” notices is appreciated before publication. Finally and importantly, the publishing in the school newsletter of any community notice does not imply school sanctioning of, support for, or knowledge of the event or activity described.

Crawshaw Music School:  We provide high quality one-on-one private lessons from our premises at 6a Sheffield Street.  All our teachers are experienced musicians in modern music and are skilled at communicating their knowledge.  The instruments we currently offer are guitar, keyboard/piano, singing, drums, ukulele, bass, flute and band classes.  First lesson free.  Email or Ph 905 9317.

Skids:  sKids Kenakena specialises in delivering quality before school, after school and holiday programmes.  We strive to create a fun and safe environment that our kids just love.  Limited places for Term 1; now taking bookings for Term 2.  For more info call Jools on 021 0254 3249 or email

Grafton Private Kindergarten:  We currently have vacancies for children 3-5 yrs old and one or two vacancies for children 2-3 yrs old.  Please contact us on or ph 904 0372 or visit our website to learn more.

Queen Margaret College Open Days: Queen Margaret College has created a culture of curiosity and exploration for over 100 years from academia to arts, sports and science.  Come along to one of our Open Days and get to know us better – take a personlised tour, meet our team, see our students in action and discover all the opportunities we can offer your child.
Friday, 26 March 9am-12pm
Sunday, 28 March 10am-1pm
Register online at

Webgenius Beach Fun Run & Walk:  Sunday, 21 March.  See for more details.

Our Lady of Kapiti School Gala:  Saturday, 20 March from 10.30am-1.30pm, 3 Presentation Way, Paraparaumu.  Kapa haka performance, bouncy castles, face painting, books, food stalls, baking, drinks, candy floss, entertainment and much more.

1st Waikanae Girls Brigade:  Monday evenings 6-7.30pm at Waikanae Presbyterian Church Centre, Ngaio Road, Waikanae.  Empowering girls and young women to succeed in tomorrow’s world.  For more info visit or ph 021 168 2410.

Park to Path Walk & Run: Sunday, 14 March a free walk and run leaving from Otaraua Park – 120 King Arthur Drive, Otaihanga.  We have a 1km kids option, 6km and 10km. The 6km and 10km route takes you from the park onto the beautiful Waikanae river trail before going onto the expressway track and return. The 1km kids event stays within the park. Every child who enters the 1km event will receive a certificate and a swim pass to any of the three Kāpiti Coast District Council pools: Coastlands Aquatic Centre, Waikanae or Ōtaki pool. 
10am – 10km run and walk starts
10.15am – 1km kids’ loop starts
10.40am – 6km run and walk starts
Register now at
This is a free event – but we’re asking that you bring a food donation for the Kāpiti Food Bank if you can.…/upcoming-council-events/ or check out